Daniel Coakley
Daniel Coakley
Sustainability Manager at Lloyds Banking Group
danielcoakley.com의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
A review of methods to match building energy simulation models to measured data
D Coakley, P Raftery, M Keane
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 37, 123-141, 2014
Calibration of a Detailed BES Model to Measured Data Using an Evidence-Based Analytical Optimisation Approach
D Coakley, P Raftery, P Molloy, G White
Proceedings of 12th Conference of International Building Performance …, 2011
Calibration of Whole Building Energy Simulation Models: Detailed Case Study of a Naturally Ventilated Building Using Hourly Measured Data
D Coakley, P Raftery, P Molloy
Building Simulation and Optimization (BSO), 57-64, 2012
An energy management maturity model for multi-site industrial organisations with a global presence
N Finnerty, R Sterling, D Coakley, MM Keane
Journal of Cleaner Production 167, 1232-1250, 2017
Comparative analysis of the AHU InFO fault detection and diagnostic expert tool for AHUs with APAR
K Bruton, D Coakley, P Raftery, DO Cusack, MM Keane, DTJ O’sullivan
Energy Efficiency 8, 299-322, 2015
Development of a Global Energy Management System for non-energy intensive multi-site industrial organisations: A methodology
N Finnerty, R Sterling, D Coakley, S Contreras, R Coffey, MM Keane
Energy 136, 16-31, 2017
Using semantic web technologies to access soft AEC data
E Corry, J O’Donnell, E Curry, D Coakley, P Pauwels, M Keane
Advanced Engineering Informatics 28 (4), 370-380, 2014
Defining corporate energy policy and strategy to achieve carbon emissions reduction targets via energy management in non-energy intensive multi-site manufacturing organisations
N Finnerty, R Sterling, S Contreras, D Coakley, MM Keane
Energy 151, 913-929, 2018
Unlocking potentials of building energy systems’ operational efficiency: Application of digital twin design for HVAC systems
C Vering, P Mehrfeld, M Nürenberg, D Coakley, M Lauster, D Müller
16th International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), 1304 …, 2019
Linked water data for water information management
E Curry, V Degeler, E Clifford, D Coakley, A Costa, SJ Van Andel, ...
Interactive water services: The WATERNOMICS approach
E Clifford, D Coakley, E Curry, V Degeler, A Costa, T Messervey, ...
Procedia Engineering 89, 1058-1065, 2014
Calibration of detailed building energy simulation models to measured data using uncertainty analysis
D Coakley
Ph. D. Thesis, 2014
Digital twin design with on-line calibration for HVAC systems in buildings
C Vering, S Borges, D Coakley, H Krützfeldt, P Mehrfeld, D Müller
Building Simulation 2021 17, 2938-2945, 2021
The Effect Of Room Temperature Control By Air-Or Operative Temperature On Thermal Comfort And Energy Use.
B W Olesen, H Wang, O B Kazanci
Building Simulation 2019 16, 2086-2093, 2019
Validation of Simulated Thermal Comfort using a Calibrated Building Energy Simulation (BES) model in the context of Building Performance Evaluation & Optimisation
D Coakley, E Corry, M Keane
International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations (ICEBO), 2013
Comfort-based control for mixed-mode buildings
JJ Aguilera, DI Bogatu, OB Kazanci, C Angelopoulos, D Coakley, ...
Energy and Buildings 252, 111465, 2021
The Role of Linked Data and Semantic Web in Building Operation
EJ Corry, D Coakley, J O'Donnell, P Pauwels, MM Keane
Energy Systems Laboratory (http://esl. tamu. edu), 2013
The use of CO2 as an indicator for indoor air quality and control of ventilation according to EN16798-1 and TR16798-2
BW Olesen, DI Bogatu, OB Kazanci, D Coakley
Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre, Politecnico di Torino: Torino, Italy, 2020
Development of a web-based BMS data visualisation platform using building information models
R Mccaffrey, D Coakley, M Keane, H Melvin
Proceedings of the CIBSE 2015 Technical Symposium, London, UK, 16-17, 2015
A review of adaptive thermal comfort implementation in international thermal comfort standards
OB Kazanci, D Coakley, BW Olesen
2019 ASHRAE Annual Conference, 2019
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