Chengyuan Jia (贾程媛)
Transitioning to the “new normal” of learning in unpredictable times: pedagogical practices and learning performance in fully online flipped classrooms
KF Hew, C Jia, DE Gonda, S Bai
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 17, 1-22, 2020
Where is the “theory” within the field of educational technology research?
KF Hew, M Lan, Y Tang, C Jia, CK Lo
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (3), 956-971, 2019
Using chatbots to support student goal setting and social presence in fully online activities: Learner engagement and perceptions
KF Hew, W Huang, J Du, C Jia
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 35 (1), 40-68, 2023
Adaptation of a conventional flipped course to an online flipped format during the Covid-19 pandemic: Student learning performance and engagement
C Jia, KF Hew, S Bai, W Huang
Journal of research on technology in education 54 (2), 281-301, 2022
From top to bottom: How positions on different types of leaderboard may affect fully online student learning performance, intrinsic motivation, and course engagement
S Bai, KF Hew, M Sailer, C Jia
Computers & Education 173, 104297, 2021
Student disengagement in web-based videoconferencing supported online learning: an activity theory perspective
G Maimaiti, C Jia, KF Hew
Interactive Learning Environments 31 (8), 4883-4902, 2023
Supporting lower-level processes in EFL listening: the effect on learners’ listening proficiency of a dictation program supported by a mobile instant messaging app
C Jia, KFT Hew
Computer Assisted Language Learning 35 (1-2), 141-168, 2022
Towards a fully online flipped classroom model to support student learning outcomes and engagement: A 2-year design-based study
C Jia, KF Hew, D Jiahui, L Liuyufeng
The Internet and Higher Education 56, 100878, 2023
On the use of flipped classroom across various disciplines: Insights from a second-order meta-analysis
KF Hew, S Bai, W Huang, P Dawson, J Du, G Huang, C Jia, K Thankrit
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 37 (2), 132-151, 2021
Toward a set of design principles for decoding training: A systematic review of studies of English as a foreign/second language listening education
C Jia, KF Hew
Educational Research Review 33, 100392, 2021
Using chatbots in flipped learning online sessions: Perceived usefulness and ease of use
KF Hew, W Huang, J Du, C Jia
Blended Learning: Re-thinking and Re-defining the Learning Process. 14th …, 2021
Toward a flipped 5E model for teaching problem-solution writing in ESL courses: A two-year longitudinal experiment
YW Lam, KF Hew, C Jia
University of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center, 2022
Meeting the challenges of decoding training in English as a foreign/second language listening education: current status and opportunities for technology-assisted decoding training
C Jia, KF Hew
Computer assisted language learning 36 (5-6), 1116-1145, 2023
Does flipped classroom improve student cognitive and behavioral outcomes in STEM subjects? Evidence from a second-order meta-analysis and validation study
KF Hew, S Bai, W Huang, J Du, G Huang, C Jia, T Khongjan
Blended Learning. Education in a Smart Learning Environment: 13th …, 2020
Towards a flipped SEF-ARCS decoding model to improve foreign language listening proficiency
C Jia, KF Hew, M Li
Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1-28, 2023
Using chatbots to support EFL listening decoding skills in a fully online environment
W Huang, C Jia, KF Hew, J Guo
University of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center, 2024
Designing a recommendation approach to scaffold self-regulated learning in fully online flipped classroom
J Du, KF Hew, C Jia, L Li
International Conference on Blended Learning, 181-193, 2022
Demographic and Educational Correlation of High School Students’ computational thinking skills: Evidence from four Chinese schools
Y Zhu, D Sun, A Boudouaia, C Jia, Y Li
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 34 (1), 337-349, 2025
Using gamification to “break the silence” during web-based videoconferencing-supported synchronous online lessons: a goal-setting perspective
C Jia, KF Hew, Y Xiao, J He
Interactive Learning Environments, 1-20, 2024
Engaging EFL learners in online decoding training: comparing the conventional approach and the flipped SEF-ARCS model
C Jia, KF Hew, Y Lu
Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1-25, 2024
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