Gerald C. Gannod
Gerald C. Gannod
Department of Computer Science, Tennessee Technological University
tntech.edu의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Using the inverted classroom to teach software engineering
GC Gannod, JE Burge, MT Helmick
Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering …, 2008
Agile Manifesto for Teaching and Learning.
TC Krehbiel, PA Salzarulo, ML Cosmah, J Forren, G Gannod, D Havelka, ...
Journal of Effective Teaching 17 (2), 90-111, 2017
A model-driven approach for specifying semantic web services
JTE Timm, GC Gannod
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'05), 313-320, 2005
A framework for classifying and comparing software reverse engineering and design recovery techniques
GC Gannod, BHC Cheng
Sixth Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (Cat. No. PR00303), 77-88, 1999
Strongest postcondition semantics as the formal basis for reverse engineering
GC Gannod, BHC Cheng
Automated Software Engineering 3 (1), 139-164, 1996
Specifying semantic web service compositions using UML and OCL
JTE Timm, GC Gannod
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007), 521-528, 2007
Delivering person-centered care: important preferences for recipients of long-term services and supports
KM Abbott, R Klumpp, KA Leser, JK Straker, GC Gannod, K Van Haitsma
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 19 (2), 169-173, 2018
Girls on the go: a CS summer camp to attract and inspire female high school students
JE Burge, GC Gannod, M Doyle, KC Davis
Proceeding of the 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education …, 2013
A self-healing framework for web services
H Naccache, GC Gannod
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007), 398-345, 2007
An approach to architectural analysis of product lines
GC Gannod, RR Lutz
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on software engineering …, 2000
Analysis of a software product line architecture: an experience report
RR Lutz, GC Gannod
Journal of Systems and Software 66 (3), 253-267, 2003
Abstraction of formal specifications from program code
BHC Cheng, GC Gannod
Proceedings for the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Tools for …, 1990
An automated tool for analyzing petri nets using spin
GC Gannod, S Gupta
Proceedings 16th Annual International Conference on Automated Software …, 2001
A two-phase approach to reverse engineering using formal methods
GC Gannod, BHC Cheng
Formal Methods in Programming and Their Applications: International …, 2005
Devops-preparing students for professional practice
RAK Jennings, G Gannod
2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-5, 2019
An architecture-based approach for synthesizing and integrating adapters for legacy software
GC Gannod, SV Mudiam, TE Lindquist
Proceedings Seventh Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 128-137, 2000
Using informal and formal techniques for the reverse engineering of C programs
GC Gannod, BHC Chengs
Proceedings of WCRE'96: 4rd Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 249-258, 1996
Work in progress—Using podcasting in an inverted classroom
GC Gannod
2007 37th Annual Frontiers In Education Conference-Global Engineering …, 2007
WIP: Using podcasting in an inverted classroom
GC Gannod
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. IEEE, 2007
A machine learning recommender system to tailor preference assessments to enhance person-centered care among nursing home residents
GC Gannod, KM Abbott, K Van Haitsma, N Martindale, A Heppner
The Gerontologist 59 (1), 167-176, 2019
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