Bradley S. Cohen
Home range estimator method and GPS sampling schedule affect habitat selection inferences for wild turkeys
BS Cohen, TJ Prebyl, BA Collier, MJ Chamberlain
Wildlife Society Bulletin 42 (1), 150-159, 2018
Nest site selection and nest survival of eastern wild turkeys in a pyric landscape
NA Yeldell, BS Cohen, AR Little, BA Collier, MJ Chamberlain
The Journal of Wildlife Management 81 (6), 1073-1083, 2017
Coyote diets in a longleaf pine ecosystem
MJ Cherry, KL Turner, MB Howze, BS Cohen, LM Conner, RJ Warren
Wildlife Biology 22 (2), 64-70, 2016
Nest and brood site selection of eastern wild turkeys
JD Wood, BS Cohen, LM Conner, BA Collier, MJ Chamberlain
The Journal of Wildlife Management 83 (1), 192-204, 2019
Gobbling chronology of eastern wild turkeys in South Carolina
PH Wightman, JC Kilgo, M Vukovich, JR Cantrell, CR Ruth, BS Cohen, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 83 (2), 325-333, 2019
Behavior and movement of wild turkey broods
MJ Chamberlain, BS Cohen, NW Bakner, BA Collier
The Journal of Wildlife Management 84 (6), 1139-1152, 2020
Gobbling activity of eastern wild turkeys relative to male movements and female nesting phenology in South Carolina
MJ Chamberlain, PH Wightman, BS Cohen, BA Collier
Wildlife Society Bulletin 42 (4), 632-642, 2018
Prescribed fire influences habitat selection of female eastern wild turkeys
NA Yeldell, BS Cohen, TJ Prebyl, BA Collier, MJ Chamberlain
The Journal of Wildlife Management 81 (7), 1287-1297, 2017
North American wintering mallards infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza show few signs of altered local or migratory movements
CS Teitelbaum, NM Masto, JD Sullivan, AC Keever, RL Poulson, ...
Scientific reports 13 (1), 14473, 2023
Time-since-fire and stand seral stage affect habitat selection of eastern wild turkeys in a managed longleaf pine ecosystem
JD Wood, BS Cohen, TJ Prebyl, LM Conner, BA Collier, MJ Chamberlain
Forest Ecology and Management 411, 203-212, 2018
Citizen science reveals waterfowl responses to extreme winter weather
NM Masto, OJ Robinson, MG Brasher, AC Keever, AG Blake‐Bradshaw, ...
Global Change Biology 28 (18), 5469-5479, 2022
Isolation and genotypic characterization of Trueperella (Arcanobacterium) pyogenes recovered from active cranial abscess infections of male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus …
BS Cohen, EH Belser, SP Keeler, MJ Yabsley, KV Miller
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 46 (1), 62-67, 2015
Use of pine-dominated forests by female eastern wild turkeys immediately after prescribed fire
NA Yeldell, BS Cohen, TJ Prebyl, BA Collier, MJ Chamberlain
Forest Ecology and Management 398, 226-234, 2017
Influences of hunting on movements of male wild turkeys during spring.
JT Gross, BS Cohen, BA Collier, MJ Chamberlain
Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium 11, 259-268, 2015
Hunting and nesting phenology influence gobbling of wild turkeys
CT Wakefield, PH Wightman, JA Martin, BT Bond, DK Lowrey, BS Cohen, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 84 (3), 448-457, 2020
Behavioral measure of the light‐adapted visual sensitivity of white‐tailed deer
BS Cohen, DA Osborn, GR Gallagher, RJ Warren, KV Miller
Wildlife Society Bulletin 38 (3), 480-485, 2014
Epethelial Presence of Trueperella pyogenes Predicts Site-Level Presence of Cranial Abscess Disease in White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
EH Belser, BS Cohen, SP Keeler, CH Killmaster, JW Bowers, KV Miller
PLoS One 10 (3), e0120028, 2015
Space use, movements, and habitat selection of translocated eastern wild turkeys in northwestern Louisiana
BS Cohen, TJ Prebyl, NJ Stafford, BA Collier, MJ Chamberlain
Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium 11, 165-174, 2015
Behavioral strategies during incubation influence nest and female survival of wild turkeys
AK Lohr, JA Martin, GT Wann, BS Cohen, BA Collier, MJ Chamberlain
Ecology and Evolution 10 (20), 11752-11765, 2020
Hunting activity effects on roost selection by male wild turkeys
CT Wakefield, JA Martin, PH Wightman, BT Bond, DK Lowrey, BS Cohen, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 84 (3), 458-467, 2020
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