Judith D. Cohn
Judith D. Cohn
Research Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory
lanl.gov의 이메일 확인됨
The sequence and analysis of duplication-rich human chromosome 16
J Martin, et al
Nature 432, 988-94, 2004
Automated ligand fitting by core-fragment fitting and extension into density
TC Terwilliger, H Klei, PD Adams, NW Moriarty, JD Cohn
Acta Crytallogr D Biol Crytallogr 62 (8), 915-922, 2006
Predicting tumor cell line response to drug pairs with deep learning
F Xia, M Shukla, T Brettin, C Garcia-Cardona, J Cohn, JE Allen, S Maslov, ...
BMC bioinformatics 19, 71-79, 2018
A categorization approach to automated ontological function annotation
K Verspoor, J Cohn, S Mniszewski, C Joslyn
Protein Science 15, 1544-1549, 2006
Ligand identification using electron-density map correlations
TC Terwilliger, PD Adams, NW Moriarty, JD Cohn
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 63 (1), 101-107, 2007
A cross-study analysis of drug response prediction in cancer cell lines
F Xia, J Allen, P Balaprakash, T Brettin, C Garcia-Cardona, A Clyde, ...
Briefings in bioinformatics 23 (1), bbab356, 2022
Literature mining of protein-residue associations with graph rules learned through distant supervision
KE Ravikumar, H Liu, JD Cohn, ME Wall, K Verspoor
Journal of Biomedical Semantics 3 (Suppl 3), S2, 2012
Protein annotation as term categorization in the Gene Ontology using word proximity networks
K Verspoor, J Cohn, C Joslyn, S Mniszewski, A Rechsteiner, LM Rocha, ...
BMC Bioinformatics 6 (Suppl 1), 2005
Fast dynamics perturbation analysis for prediction of protein functional sites
D Ming, JD Cohn, ME Wall
BMC Structural Biology 8, 5, 2008
Text mining improves prediction of protein functional sites
V Karin M., JD Cohn, R Komandur E., W Michael E.
PLoS One 7 (2), e32171, 2012
Rapid phylogenetic and functional classification of short genomic fragments with signature peptides
J Berendzen, WJ Bruno, JD Cohn, NW Hengartner, CR Kuske, ...
BMC Research Notes 5, 460, 2012
Identification of novel, replicable genetic risk loci for suicidal thoughts and behaviors among US military veterans
NA Kimbrel, AE Ashley-Koch, XJ Qin, JH Lindquist, ME Garrett, ...
JAMA psychiatry 80 (2), 135-145, 2023
Sparse coding of pathology slides compared to transfer learning with deep neural networks
W Fischer, SS Moudgalya, JD Cohn, NTT Nguyen, GT Kenyon
BMC bioinformatics 19, 9-17, 2018
Genome majority vote improves gene predictions
ME Wall, S Raghavan, JD Cohn, J Dunbar
PLos Computational Biology 7 (11), e1002284, 2011
California condor microbiomes: bacterial variety and functional properties in captive-bred individuals
L Jacobs, BH McMahon, J Berendzen, J Longmire, C Gleasner, ...
PLoS One 14 (12), e0225858, 2019
Consistency of gene starts among Burkholderia genomes
J Dunbar, JD Cohn, ME Wall
BMC Genomics 12, 125, 2011
High dimensional predictions of suicide risk in 4.2 million US Veterans using ensemble transfer learning
S Dhaubhadel, K Ganguly, RM Ribeiro, JD Cohn, JM Hyman, ...
Scientific reports 14 (1), 1793, 2024
Detection of protein catalytic sites in the biomedical literature
V Karin, M Andrew., C Judith D., W Michael E.
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2013, 433-444, 2013
Pattern learning through distant supervision for extraction of protein-residue associations in the biomedical literature
KE Ravikumar, H Liu, JD Cohn, ME Wall, V K.
International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 2011
Deep sequential neural network models improve stratification of suicide attempt risk among US veterans
C Martinez, D Levin, J Jones, PD Finley, B McMahon, S Dhaubhadel, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 31 (1), 220-230, 2024
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