Hyunchul Ju
Hyunchul Ju
Professor of Dept. of Mechanical Engineering in Inha University
inha.ac.kr의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
A single-phase, non-isothermal model for PEM fuel cells
H Ju, H Meng, CY Wang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (7), 1303-1315, 2005
Experimental validation of a PEM fuel cell model by current distribution data
H Ju, CY Wang
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 151 (11), A1954, 2004
Nonisothermal modeling of polymer electrolyte fuel cells: I. Experimental validation
H Ju, CY Wang, S Cleghorn, U Beuscher
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 152 (8), A1645, 2005
Three-dimensional modeling and simulation of hydrogen absorption in metal hydride hydrogen storage vessels
J Nam, J Ko, H Ju
Applied energy 89 (1), 164-175, 2012
Probing liquid water saturation in diffusion media of polymer electrolyte fuel cells
H Ju, G Luo, CY Wang
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154 (2), B218, 2006
Three-dimensional, transient, nonisothermal model of all-vanadium redox flow batteries
K Oh, H Yoo, J Ko, S Won, H Ju
Energy 81, 3-14, 2015
Innovative cathode flow-field design for passive air-cooled polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell stacks
J Lee, MH Gundu, N Lee, K Lim, SW Lee, SS Jang, JY Kim, H Ju
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (20), 11704-11713, 2020
Comparison of numerical simulation results and experimental data during cold-start of polymer electrolyte fuel cells
J Ko, H Ju
Applied energy 94, 364-374, 2012
Water crossover phenomena in all-vanadium redox flow batteries
K Oh, M Moazzam, G Gwak, H Ju
Electrochimica Acta 297, 101-111, 2019
A comparative study of species migration and diffusion mechanisms in all-vanadium redox flow batteries
K Oh, S Won, H Ju
Electrochimica Acta 181, 238-247, 2015
A numerical investigation of the effects of GDL compression and intrusion in polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs)
P Chippar, O Kyeongmin, K Kang, H Ju
International journal of hydrogen energy 37 (7), 6326-6338, 2012
Structure-controlled graphene electrocatalysts for high-performance H 2 O 2 production
K Lee, J Lim, MJ Lee, K Ryu, H Lee, JY Kim, H Ju, HS Cho, BH Kim, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 15 (7), 2858-2866, 2022
Numerical modeling and analysis of micro-porous layer effects in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
K Kang, H Ju
Journal of Power Sources 194 (2), 763-773, 2009
Prediction of dry-wet-dry transition in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
G Luo, H Ju, CY Wang
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 154 (3), B316, 2007
Numerical study on applicability of metal foam as flow distributor in polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs)
A Jo, H Ju
International journal of hydrogen energy 43 (30), 14012-14026, 2018
Numerical modeling and investigation of gas crossover effects in high temperature proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells
P Chippar, H Ju
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (18), 7704-7714, 2013
Numerical analysis of gas crossover effects in polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs)
J Nam, P Chippar, W Kim, H Ju
Applied energy 87 (12), 3699-3709, 2010
Investigation of the effects of the anisotropy of gas-diffusion layers on heat and water transport in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
H Ju
Journal of Power Sources 191 (2), 259-268, 2009
Numerical analysis of vanadium crossover effects in all-vanadium redox flow batteries
S Won, K Oh, H Ju
Electrochimica acta 177, 310-320, 2015
Numerical study of the effects of carbon felt electrode compression in all-vanadium redox flow batteries
K Oh, S Won, H Ju
Electrochimica acta 181, 13-23, 2015
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