Shuo Xiao
Shuo Xiao
Rutgers University, University of South Carolina, Northwestern University, University of Georgia
rutgers.edu의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
A bioprosthetic ovary created using 3D printed microporous scaffolds restores ovarian function in sterilized mice
MM Laronda, AL Rutz, S Xiao, KA Whelan, FE Duncan, EW Roth, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15261, 2017
A microfluidic culture model of the human reproductive tract and 28-day menstrual cycle
S Xiao, JR Coppeta, HB Rogers, BC Isenberg, J Zhu, SA Olalekan, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14584, 2017
Health impacts of environmental contamination of micro-and nanoplastics: a review
B Jiang, AE Kauffman, L Li, W McFee, B Cai, J Weinstein, JR Lead, ...
Environmental health and preventive medicine 25, 1-15, 2020
In vitro follicle growth support human oocyte meiotic maturation
S Xiao, M Zhang, Jiyang, Romero, ...
7th Annual Illinois Symposium on Reproductive Sciences, University of …, 2015
How can we improve oncofertility care for patients? A systematic scoping review of current international practice and models of care
A Anazodo, P Laws, S Logan, C Saunders, J Travaglia, B Gerstl, ...
Human reproduction update 25 (2), 159-179, 2019
Preimplantation exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) affects embryo transport, preimplantation embryo development, and uterine receptivity in mice
S Xiao, H Diao, MA Smith, X Song, X Ye
Reproductive Toxicology 32 (4), 434-441, 2011
Doxorubicin has dose-dependent toxicity on mouse ovarian follicle development, hormone secretion, and oocyte maturation
S Xiao, J Zhang, M Liu, H Iwahata, HB Rogers, TK Woodruff
Toxicological Sciences 157 (2), 320-329, 2017
Postweaning exposure to dietary zearalenone, a mycotoxin, promotes premature onset of puberty and disrupts early pregnancy events in female mice
F Zhao, R Li, S Xiao, H Diao, MM Viveiros, X Song, X Ye
toxicological sciences 132 (2), 431-442, 2013
Size-specific follicle selection improves mouse oocyte reproductive outcomes
S Xiao, FE Duncan, L Bai, CT Nguyen, LD Shea, TK Woodruff
Reproduction 150 (3), 183-192, 2015
Altered Spatiotemporal Expression of Collagen Types I, III, IV, and VI in Lpar3-Deficient Peri-Implantation Mouse Uterus
H Diao, JD Aplin, S Xiao, J Chun, Z Li, S Chen, X Ye
Biology of reproduction 84 (2), 255-265, 2011
Doxorubicin obliterates mouse ovarian reserve through both primordial follicle atresia and overactivation
Y Wang, M Liu, SB Johnson, G Yuan, AK Arriba, ME Zubizarreta, ...
Toxicology and applied pharmacology 381, 114714, 2019
Gestational and lactational exposure to atrazine via the drinking water causes specific behavioral deficits and selectively alters monoaminergic systems in C57BL/6 mouse dams …
Z Lin, CA Dodd, S Xiao, S Krishna, X Ye, NM Filipov
Toxicological sciences 141 (1), 90-102, 2014
Retrievable hydrogels for ovarian follicle transplantation and oocyte collection
PD Rios, E Kniazeva, HC Lee, S Xiao, RS Oakes, E Saito, JS Jeruss, ...
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 115 (8), 2075-2086, 2018
Temporal expression pattern of progesterone receptor in the uterine luminal epithelium suggests its requirement during early events of implantation
H Diao, BC Paria, S Xiao, X Ye
Fertility and sterility 95 (6), 2087-2093, 2011
Broad gap junction blocker carbenoxolone disrupts uterine preparation for embryo implantation in mice
H Diao, S Xiao, EW Howerth, F Zhao, R Li, MB Ard, X Ye
Biology of reproduction 89 (2), 31, 1-10, 2013
Differential gene expression profiling of mouse uterine luminal epithelium during periimplantation
S Xiao, H Diao, F Zhao, R Li, N He, X Ye
Reproductive sciences 21 (3), 351-362, 2014
A View from the past into our collective future: the oncofertility consortium vision statement
TK Woodruff, L Ataman-Millhouse, KS Acharya, T Almeida-Santos, ...
Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics 38, 3-15, 2021
Deletion of Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor 3 (Lpar3) Disrupts Fine Local Balance of Progesterone and Estrogen Signaling in Mouse Uterus During Implantation
H Diao, R Li, AE El Zowalaty, S Xiao, F Zhao, EA Dudley, X Ye
Biology of reproduction 93 (5), 123, 1-9, 2015
Acidification of uterine epithelium during embryo implantation in mice
S Xiao, R Li, AE El Zowalaty, H Diao, F Zhao, Y Choi, X Ye
Biology of reproduction 96 (1), 232-243, 2017
Infertility in China: Culture, society and a need for fertility counselling
S Logan, R Gu, W Li, S Xiao, A Anazodo
Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 8 (1), 1-6, 2019
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