Vic Patrangenaru
Large sample theory of intrinsic and extrinsic sample means on manifolds
R Bhattacharya, V Patrangenaru
The Annals of Statistics 31 (1), 1-29, 2003
Large sample theory of intrinsic and extrinsic sample means on manifolds—II
R Bhattacharya, V Patrangenaru
Nonparametric statistics on manifolds and their applications to object data analysis
V Patrangenaru, L Ellingson
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
Directions and projective shapes
KV Mardia, V Patrangenaru
Nonparametic estimation of location and dispersion on Riemannian manifolds
R Bhattacharya, V Patrangenaru
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 108 (1-2), 23-35, 2002
Sticky central limit theorems on open books
T Hotz, S Skwerer, S Huckemann, H Le, JS Marron, JC Mattingly, E Miller, ...
Classifying - and -dimensional homogeneous Riemannian manifolds by Cartan triples.
V Patrangenaru
Pacific Journal of Mathematics 173 (2), 511-532, 1996
A course in mathematical statistics and large sample theory
R Bhattacharya, L Lin, V Patrangenaru
Springer, 2016
Affine shape analysis and image analysis
V Patrangenaru, KV Mardia
22nd Leeds Annual Statistics Research Workshop, 57-62, 2003
Nonparametric inference for extrinsic means on size-and-(reflection)-shape manifolds with applications in medical imaging
A Bandulasiri, RN Bhattacharya, V Patrangenaru
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 100 (9), 1867-1882, 2009
Extrinsic analysis on manifolds is computationally faster than intrinsic analysis with applications to quality control by machine vision
RN Bhattacharya, L Ellingson, X Liu, V Patrangenaru, M Crane
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 28 (3), 222-235, 2012
The one-and multi-sample problem for functional data with application to projective shape analysis
A Munk, R Paige, J Pang, V Patrangenaru, F Ruymgaart
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 99 (5), 815-833, 2008
Nonparametric 3D projective shape estimation from pairs of 2D images-I
V Patrangenaru, X Liu, S Sugathadasa
Memory of WP Dayawansa. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 101 (1), 11-31, 2010
Nonparametric estimation of means on Hilbert manifolds and extrinsic analysis of mean shapes of contours
L Ellingson, V Patrangenaru, F Ruymgaart
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 122, 317-333, 2013
Tree-oriented analysis of brain artery structure
S Skwerer, E Bullitt, S Huckemann, E Miller, I Oguz, M Owen, ...
Journal of mathematical imaging and vision 50, 126-143, 2014
Random change on a Lie group and mean glaucomatous projective shape change detection from stereo pair images
M Crane, V Patrangenaru
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 102 (2), 225-237, 2011
Huiling Le, JS Marron, Jonathan C. Mattingly, Ezra Miller, James Nolen, Megan Owen, Vic Patrangenaru, and Sean Skwerer, Sticky central limit theorems on open books
T Hotz, S Huckemann
Annals of Applied Probability 23, 2238-2258, 2013
Safety analysis of Florida urban limited access highways with special focus on the influence of truck lane restriction policy
D Kobelo, V Patrangenaru, R Mussa
Journal of Transportation Engineering 134 (7), 297-306, 2008
Algorithms for nonparametric inference on shape manifolds
A Bandulasiri, V Patrangenaru
Proc. of JSM, 1617-1622, 2005
Nonparametric two-sample tests on homogeneous Riemannian manifolds, Cholesky decompositions and diffusion tensor image analysis
D Osborne, V Patrangenaru, L Ellingson, D Groisser, A Schwartzman
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 119, 163-175, 2013
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