Graziela Simone Tonin
Graziela Simone Tonin
Associate Dean of Computer Engineering
ime.usp.br의 이메일 확인됨
Tracking technical debt—An exploratory case study
Y Guo, C Seaman, R Gomes, A Cavalcanti, G Tonin, FQB Da Silva, ...
2011 27th IEEE international conference on software maintenance (ICSM), 528-531, 2011
Managing technical debt in practice: An industrial report
CSA Siebra, GS Tonin, FQB Silva, RG Oliveira, ALOC Junior, ...
Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE international symposium on Empirical software …, 2012
Technical debt prioritization: Taxonomy, methods results, and practical characteristics
D Pina, A Goldman, G Tonin
2021 47th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2021
Tendências em computação móvel
GS Tonin
São Paulo, 2012
Effects of technical debt awareness: A classroom study
GS Tonin, A Goldman, C Seaman, D Pina
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 18th …, 2017
Managing technical debt using intelligent techniques-a systematic mapping study
D Albuquerque, E Guimarães, G Tonin, P Rodríguezs, M Perkusich, ...
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 49 (4), 2202-2220, 2022
An extraction method to collect data on defects and effort evolution in a constantly modified system
R Gomes, C Siebra, G Tonin, A Cavalcanti, FQB da Silva, ALM Santos, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Managing Technical Debt, 27-30, 2011
Technical debt management in the context of agile methods in software development
GS Tonin
PhD thesis, University of Sao Paulo, 2018
Comprehending the use of intelligent techniques to support technical debt management
D Albuquerque, E Guimaraes, G Tonin, M Perkusich, H Almeida, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Technical Debt, 21-30, 2022
Perceptions of technical debt and its management activities-a survey of software practitioners
D Albuquerque, ET Guimaraes, GS Tonin, MB Perkusich, H Almeida, ...
Proceedings of the XXXVI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 220-229, 2022
Tendências em computação móvel. 3 p
Universidade de São Paulo–USP. São Paulo, 2012
The effects of a model for identifying and managing Technical Debt in software projects
RC Pires, G Tonin, A Goldman, R Oliveira
Workshop Brasileiro de Métodos Ágeis, 2014
Shedding Light on How Intelligent Techniques can Support Technical Debt Management and Influence Software Quality Attributes
D Albuquerque, F Chagas, E Guimaraes, G Tonin, M Perkusich, ...
Workshop Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software Inteligente (ISE), 13-18, 2022
Agile Methods: 9th Brazilian Workshop, WBMA 2018, Campinas, Brazil, October 4, 2018, Revised Selected Papers
GS Tonin, B Estácio, A Goldman, E Guerra
Springer, 2019
Identificação e monitoramento de dívida técnica no setor de tecnologia da informação da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul-um estudo de caso exploratório
R Perondi
Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, 2014
Decisões em projetos de desenvolvimento de software e a metáfora do débito técnico: Um estudo de caso exploratório
G Simone Tonin
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2011
Active Learning Approaches Applied in Teaching Agile Methodologies
GS Tonin, F Miranda, A Toshi, I Montagner, BAFJ Barth
Agile Methods
GS Tonin, B Estácio, A Goldman, E Guerra
Gestão de Pessoas
GS Tonin
The effects of a model for identifying and managing Technical Debt in Scrum project
RC Pires, G Tonin, A Goldman, R Oliveira
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