Emily Grundy
Emily Grundy
Professor of Population Science, ISER, University of Essex, UK
essex.ac.uk의 이메일 확인됨
Ageing in the European union
B Rechel, E Grundy, JM Robine, J Cylus, JP Mackenbach, C Knai, ...
The lancet 381 (9874), 1312-1322, 2013
The socioeconomic status of older adults: how should we measure it in studies of health inequalities?
E Grundy, G Holt
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 55 (12), 895-904, 2001
Between elderly parents and adult children: a new look at the intergenerational care provided by the ‘sandwich generation’
E Grundy, JC Henretta
Ageing & Society 26 (5), 707-722, 2006
Completeness and usability of ethnicity data in UK-based primary care and hospital databases
R Mathur, K Bhaskaran, N Chaturvedi, DA Leon, E Grundy, L Smeeth
Journal of Public Health 36 (4), 684-692, 2014
Health inequalities in the older population: the role of personal capital, social resources and socio-economic circumstances
E Grundy, A Sloggett
Social science & medicine 56 (5), 935-947, 2003
Ageing and vulnerable elderly people: European perspectives
E Grundy
Ageing & Society 26 (1), 105-134, 2006
How can health systems respond to population ageing?
B Rechel, Y Doyle, E Grundy, M McKee
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, 2009
Living arrangements among older people: an overview of trends in Europe and the USA
C Tomassini, K Glaser, DA Wolf, MIB Van Groenou, E Grundy
Population Trends-London-, 24-35, 2004
Reciprocity in relationships: Socio‐economic and health influences on intergenerational exchanges between third age parents and their adult children in Great Britain
E Grundy
The British journal of sociology 56 (2), 233-255, 2005
Population ageing in Europe.
E Grundy
Europe's Population in the 1990s ed D Coleman, 267-96, 1996
Fertility history and health in later life: a record linkage study in England and Wales
E Grundy, C Tomassini
Social science & medicine 61 (1), 217-228, 2005
Contacts between elderly parents and their children in four European countries: current patterns and future prospects
C Tomassini, S Kalogirou, E Grundy, T Fokkema, P Martikainen, ...
European Journal of Ageing 1, 54-63, 2004
Socio-demographic differences in the onset and progression of disability in early old age: a longitudinal study.
E Grundy, K Glaser
Age and Ageing 29 (2), 149-157, 2000
Reproductive history and mortality in late middle age among Norwegian men and women
E Grundy, Ø Kravdal
American journal of epidemiology 167 (3), 271-279, 2008
Intergenerational perspectives on family and household change in mid-and later life in England and Wales
E Grundy
Changing Britain. Families and households in the 1990s. Oxford University …, 1999
Socio-economic position and subjective health and well-being among older people in Europe: a systematic narrative review
S Read, E Grundy, E Foverskov
Aging & mental health 20 (5), 529-542, 2016
Promoção da saúde, epidemiologia social e capital social: inter-relações e perspectivas para a saúde pública
EM Souza, E Grundy
Cadernos de saúde Pública 20 (5), 1354-1360, 2004
Activities of daily living: changes in functional ability in three samples of elderly and very elderly people
ANN Bowling, E Grundy
Age and ageing 26 (2), 107-114, 1997
Gender, migration and household change in elderly age groups
E Grundy, K Glaser
Migration and gender in the developed world, 243-244, 2002
Marital status and long-term illness in Great Britain
M Murphy, K Glaser, E Grundy
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 156-164, 1997
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