Enrico Blanzieri
Enrico Blanzieri
DISI, Universiy of Trento, Italy
disi.unitn.it의 이메일 확인됨
A survey of learning-based techniques of email spam filtering
E Blanzieri, A Bryl
Artificial Intelligence Review 29, 63-92, 2008
Nearest neighbor classification of remote sensing images with the maximal margin principle
E Blanzieri, F Melgani
IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 46 (6), 1804-1811, 2008
A formal definition of culture
A Birukou, E Blanzieri, P Giorgini, F Giunchiglia
Models for intercultural collaboration and negotiation, 1-26, 2013
A multiple classifier system for early melanoma diagnosis
A Sboner, C Eccher, E Blanzieri, P Bauer, M Cristofolini, G Zumiani, ...
Artificial intelligence in medicine 27 (1), 29-44, 2003
Quantum genetic optimization
A Malossini, E Blanzieri, T Calarco
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 12 (2), 231-241, 2008
Gaussian process regression for estimating chlorophyll concentration in subsurface waters from remote sensing data
L Pasolli, F Melgani, E Blanzieri
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 7 (3), 464-468, 2010
Widespread uncoupling between transcriptome and translatome variations after a stimulus in mammalian cells
T Tebaldi, A Re, G Viero, I Pegoretti, A Passerini, E Blanzieri, A Quattrone
BMC genomics 13, 1-15, 2012
Theories and uses of context in knowledge representation and reasoning
P Bouquet, C Ghidini, F Giunchiglia, E Blanzieri
Journal of pragmatics 35 (3), 455-484, 2003
Fast and Scalable Local Kernel Machines.
N Segata, E Blanzieri
Journal of Machine Learning Research 11 (6), 2010
Detecting potential labeling errors in microarrays by data perturbation
A Malossini, E Blanzieri, RT Ng
BIOINFORMATICS-OXFORD- 22 (17), 2114, 2006
Implicit an agent-based recommendation system for web search
A Birukov, E Blanzieri, P Giorgini
Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2005
How has the 9/11 terrorist attack influenced decision making?
K Sacco, V Galletto, E Blanzieri
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2003
Noise reduction for instance-based learning with a local maximal margin approach
N Segata, E Blanzieri, SJ Delany, P Cunningham
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 35, 301-331, 2010
Improving web service discovery with usage data
A Birukou, E Blanzieri, V DAndrea, P Giorgini, N Kokash
IEEE software 24 (6), 47-54, 2007
An adaptive SVM nearest neighbor classifier for remotely sensed imagery
E Blanzieri, F Melgani
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 3931-3934, 2006
Keyphrases extraction from scientific documents: improving machine learning approaches with natural language processing
M Krapivin, A Autayeu, M Marchese, E Blanzieri, N Segata
The Role of Digital Libraries in a Time of Global Change: 12th International …, 2010
Probability based metrics for nearest neighbor classification and case-based reasoning
E Blanzieri, F Ricci⋆
International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, 14-28, 1999
Protein-specific prediction of mRNA binding using RNA sequences, binding motifs and predicted secondary structures
CM Livi, E Blanzieri
BMC bioinformatics 15, 1-11, 2014
Link clustering with extended link similarity and EQ evaluation division
L Huang, G Wang, Y Wang, E Blanzieri, C Su
PloS one 8 (6), e66005, 2013
Quantum annealing learning search for solving QUBO problems
D Pastorello, E Blanzieri
Quantum Information Processing 18 (10), 303, 2019
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