Raymond Bannister
Risk assessment of the environmental impact of Norwegian Atlantic salmon farming
GL Taranger, Ø Karlsen, RJ Bannister, KA Glover, V Husa, E Karlsbakk, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (3), 997-1021, 2015
Sponge grounds as key marine habitats: a synthetic review of types, structure, functional roles, and conservation concerns
M Maldonado, R Aguilar, R Bannister, J Bell, J Conway, P Dayton, C Díaz, ...
Marine animal forests: The ecology of benthic biodiversity hotspots, 2017
Changes in benthic sediment conditions under an Atlantic salmon farm at a deep, well-flushed coastal site
RJ Bannister, T Valdemarsen, PK Hansen, M Holmer, A Ervik
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 5 (1), 29-47, 2014
Community structure and ecological function of deep-water sponge grounds in the Traenadypet MPA—Northern Norwegian continental shelf
T Kutti, RJ Bannister, JH Fosså
Continental Shelf Research 69, 21-30, 2013
Near-and far-field dispersal modelling of organic waste from Atlantic salmon aquaculture in fjord systems
RJ Bannister, IA Johnsen, PK Hansen, T Kutti, L Asplin
ICES Journal of marine Science 73 (9), 2408-2419, 2016
Suspended sediment grain size and mineralogy across the continental shelf of the Great Barrier Reef: Impacts on the physiology of a coral reef sponge
RJ Bannister, CN Battershill, R De Nys
Continental Shelf Research 32, 86-95, 2012
Rapid respiratory responses of the deep-water sponge Geodia barretti exposed to suspended sediments
I Tjensvoll, T Kutti, JH Fosså, RJ Bannister
Aquatic Biology 19 (1), 65-73, 2013
Phagocytosis of microbial symbionts balances the carbon and nitrogen budget for the deep‐water boreal sponge Geodia barretti
SP Leys, AS Kahn, JKH Fang, T Kutti, RJ Bannister
Limnology and Oceanography 63 (1), 187-202, 2018
Distribution and persistence of the anti sea-lice drug teflubenzuron in wild fauna and sediments around a salmon farm, following a standard treatment
OB Samuelsen, BT Lunestad, R Hannisdal, R Bannister, S Olsen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 508, 115-121, 2015
Metabolic responses of the deep-water sponge Geodia barretti to suspended bottom sediment, simulated mine tailings and drill cuttings
T Kutti, RJ Bannister, JH Fosså, CM Krogness, I Tjensvoll, G Søvik
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 473, 64-72, 2015
The response of a boreal deep-sea sponge holobiont to acute thermal stress
R Strand, S Whalan, NS Webster, T Kutti, JKH Fang, HM Luter, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1660, 2017
Biogeochemical malfunctioning in sediments beneath a deep-water fish farm
T Valdemarsen, RJ Bannister, PK Hansen, M Holmer, A Ervik
Environmental Pollution 170, 15-25, 2012
Resilience of dynamic coastal benthic ecosystems in response to large-scale finfish farming
N Keeley, T Valdemarsen, S Woodcock, M Holmer, V Husa, R Bannister
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11, 161-179, 2019
Risikovurdering norsk fiskeoppdrett 2013
GL Taranger, T Svåsand, BO Kvamme, T Kristiansen, K Boxaspen
Havforskningsinstituttet, 2014
Terrestrial fatty acids as tracers of finfish aquaculture waste in the marine environment
CA White, SH Woodcock, RJ Bannister, PD Nichols
Reviews in Aquaculture 11 (1), 133-148, 2019
Impact of deep-water fish farms on benthic macrofauna communities under different hydrodynamic conditions
T Valdemarsen, PK Hansen, A Ervik, RJ Bannister
Marine Pollution Bulletin 101 (2), 776-783, 2015
Recycling pathways in cold-water coral reefs: Use of dissolved organic matter and bacteria by key suspension feeding taxa
SR Maier, T Kutti, RJ Bannister, JKH Fang, P van Breugel, P van Rijswijk, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 9942, 2020
Survival under conditions of variable food availability: Resource utilization and storage in the cold‐water coral Lophelia pertusa
SR Maier, T Kutti, RJ Bannister, P van Breugel, P van Rijswijk, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 64 (4), 1651-1671, 2019
Mobile epibenthic fauna consume organic waste from coastal fin-fish aquaculture
SH Woodcock, T Strohmeier, Ø Strand, SA Olsen, RJ Bannister
Marine Environmental Research 137, 16-23, 2018
Sub-lethal effects of water-based drilling muds on the deep-water sponge Geodia barretti
KJ Edge, EL Johnston, KA Dafforn, SL Simpson, T Kutti, RJ Bannister
Environmental Pollution 212, 525-534, 2016
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