Katie Cooper
Katie Cooper
Associate Professor of Geophysics, Washington State University
wsu.edu의 이메일 확인됨
The role of chemical boundary layers in regulating the thickness of continental and oceanic thermal boundary layers
CTA Lee, A Lenardic, CM Cooper, F Niu, A Levander
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 230 (3-4), 379-395, 2005
The thermal structure of stable continental lithosphere within a dynamic mantle
CM Cooper, A Lenardic, L Moresi
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 222 (3-4), 807-817, 2004
Continents, supercontinents, mantle thermal mixing, and mantle thermal isolation: Theory, numerical simulations, and laboratory experiments
A Lenardic, L Moresi, AM Jellinek, CJ O'neill, CM Cooper, CT Lee
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12 (10), 2011
Seismic constraints on the depth and composition of the mantle keel beneath the Kaapvaal craton
F Niu, A Levander, CM Cooper, CTA Lee, A Lenardic, DE James
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (3-4), 337-346, 2004
Creation and preservation of cratonic lithosphere: seismic constraints and geodynamic models
CM Cooper, A Lenardic, A Levander, L Moresi, K Benn
Geophysical Monograph-American Geophysical Union 164, 75, 2006
Formation of cratonic lithosphere during the initiation of plate tectonics
AP Beall, L Moresi, CM Cooper
Geology 46 (6), 487-490, 2018
Craton formation: Internal structure inherited from closing of the early oceans
CM Cooper, MS Miller
Lithosphere 6 (1), 35-42, 2014
Does the mantle control the maximum thickness of cratons?
CM Cooper, CP Conrad
Lithosphere 1 (2), 67-72, 2009
A note on continents and the Earth’s Urey ratio
A Lenardic, CM Cooper, L Moresi
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 188 (1-2), 127-130, 2011
The structural evolution of the deep continental lithosphere
CM Cooper, MS Miller, L Moresi
Tectonophysics 695, 100-121, 2017
Effects of continental insulation and the partitioning of heat producing elements on the Earth's heat loss
CM Cooper, A Lenardic, L Moresi
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (13), 2006
Nature versus nurture: Preservation and destruction of Archean cratons
H Bedle, CM Cooper, CD Frost
Tectonics 40 (9), e2021TC006714, 2021
Effects of continental configuration on mantle heat loss
CM Cooper, LN Moresi, A Lenardic
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (11), 2647-2651, 2013
Dune mobility in the St. Anthony Dune Field, Idaho, USA: effects of meteorological variables and lag time
RH Hoover, DR Gaylord, CM Cooper
Geomorphology 309, 29-37, 2018
Implications of nonsynchronous rotation on the deformational history and ice shell properties in the south polar terrain of Enceladus
DA Patthoff, SA Kattenhorn, CM Cooper
Icarus 321, 445-457, 2019
Inferences on Australia's heat flow and thermal structure from mantle convection modelling results
C O'NEILL, L Moresi, A Lenardic, CM Cooper
The growth of Europa's icy shell: Convection and crystallization
AP Green, LGJ Montesi, CM Cooper
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 126 (4), e2020JE006677, 2021
Episodic plate tectonics on Europa: Evidence for widespread patches of mobile‐lid behavior in the antijovian hemisphere
GC Collins, GW Patterson, CE Detelich, LM Prockter, SA Kattenhorn, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 127 (11), e2022JE007492, 2022
On the destructive tendencies of cratons
CM Cooper, RJ Farrington, MS Miller
Geology 49 (2), 195-200, 2021
Earth's evolving stress state and the past, present, and future stability of cratonic lithosphere
C Sandu, A Lenardic, CJ O'Neill, CM Cooper
International Geology Review 53 (11-12), 1392-1402, 2011
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