Kuan Yew Cheong
Die attach materials for high temperature applications: A review
VR Manikam, KY Cheong
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 1 (4 …, 2011
A review on die attach materials for SiC-based high-temperature power devices
HS Chin, KY Cheong, AB Ismail
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 41, 824-832, 2010
Advances of Ag, Cu, and Ag–Cu alloy nanoparticles synthesized via chemical reduction route
KS Tan, KY Cheong
Journal of nanoparticle research 15, 1-29, 2013
Mechanisms responsible for improvement of interface properties by nitridation
VV Afanas’ ev, A Stesmans, F Ciobanu, G Pensl, KY Cheong, S Dimitrijev
Applied Physics Letters 82 (4), 568-570, 2003
Electrical and optical studies of ZnO: Ga thin films fabricated via the sol–gel technique
KY Cheong, N Muti, SR Ramanan
Thin Solid Films 410 (1-2), 142-146, 2002
Current conduction mechanisms in atomic-layer-deposited HfO2/nitrided SiO2 stacked gate on 4H silicon carbide
KY Cheong, JH Moon, HJ Kim, W Bahng, NK Kim
Journal of Applied Physics 103 (8), 2008
Advances of SiC-based MOS capacitor hydrogen sensors for harsh environment applications
MT Soo, KY Cheong, AFM Noor
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 151 (1), 39-55, 2010
Effects of drying temperature and ethanol concentration on bipolar switching characteristics of natural Aloe vera-based memory devices
ZX Lim, KY Cheong
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (40), 26833-26853, 2015
A review on the synthesis of SiC from plant-based biomasses
YL Chiew, KY Cheong
Materials Science and Engineering: B 176 (13), 951-964, 2011
A review of mechanical properties of scaffold in tissue engineering: Aloe vera composites
TT Tran, ZA Hamid, KY Cheong
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1082, 012080, 2018
Electrical and physical characterization of gate oxides on grown in diluted
KY Cheong, S Dimitrijev, J Han, HB Harrison
Journal of applied physics 93 (9), 5682-5686, 2003
Chemical reduction methods for synthesizing Ag and Al nanoparticles and their respective nanoalloys
VR Manikam, KY Cheong, KA Razak
Materials Science and Engineering: B 176 (3), 187-203, 2011
Review on oxides of antimony nanoparticles: synthesis, properties, and applications
HS Chin, KY Cheong, KA Razak
Journal of materials science 45, 5993-6008, 2010
Elaboration and characterization of sol–gel derived ZrO2 thin films treated with hot water
MT Soo, N Prastomo, A Matsuda, G Kawamura, H Muto, AFM Noor, ...
Applied Surface Science 258 (13), 5250-5258, 2012
Sm2O3 gate dielectric on Si substrate
WC Chin, KY Cheong, Z Hassan
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 13 (5-6), 303-314, 2010
Ultrathin wafer pre-assembly and assembly process technologies: A review
MR Marks, Z Hassan, KY Cheong
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 40 (5), 251-290, 2015
Effects of postdeposition annealing in argon ambient on metallorganic decomposed CeO2 gate spin coated on silicon
HJ Quah, KY Cheong, Z Hassan, Z Lockman, FA Jasni, WF Lim
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157 (1), H6, 2009
ZrO2 thin films on Si substrate
YH Wong, KY Cheong
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 21, 980-993, 2010
Review on resistive switching mechanisms of bio-organic thin film for non-volatile memory application
KY Cheong, IA Tayeb, F Zhao, JM Abdullah
Nanotechnology Reviews 10 (1), 680-709, 2021
Immobilization of zinc oxide-based photocatalysts for organic pollutant degradation: A review
AT Le, TDH Le, KY Cheong, SY Pung
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (5), 108505, 2022
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