Pablo Meyer
Pablo Meyer
Research Staff Member, IBM
us.ibm.com의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Critical assessment of automated flow cytometry data analysis techniques
N Aghaeepour, G Finak, FlowCAP Consortium, Dream Consortium, ...
Nature methods 10 (3), 228-238, 2013
More than smell—COVID-19 is associated with severe impairment of smell, taste, and chemesthesis
V Parma, K Ohla, MG Veldhuizen, MY Niv, CE Kelly, AJ Bakke, ...
Chemical senses 45 (7), 609-622, 2020
The respective contributions of the mother and daughter centrioles to centrosome activity and behavior in vertebrate cells
M Piel, P Meyer, A Khodjakov, CL Rieder, M Bornens
The Journal of cell biology 149 (2), 317-330, 2000
Predicting human olfactory perception from chemical features of odor molecules
A Keller, RC Gerkin, Y Guan, A Dhurandhar, G Turu, B Szalai, ...
Science 355 (6327), 820-826, 2017
Recent smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19 among individuals with recent respiratory symptoms
RC Gerkin, K Ohla, MG Veldhuizen, PV Joseph, CE Kelly, AJ Bakke, ...
Chemical senses 46, bjaa081, 2021
PER-TIM interactions in living Drosophila cells: an interval timer for the circadian clock
P Meyer, L Saez, MW Young
Science 311 (5758), 226-229, 2006
Crowdsourcing biomedical research: leveraging communities as innovation engines
J Saez-Rodriguez, JC Costello, SH Friend, MR Kellen, L Mangravite, ...
Nature Reviews Genetics 17 (8), 470-486, 2016
Strengths and limitations of microarray-based phenotype prediction: lessons learned from the IMPROVER Diagnostic Signature Challenge
AL Tarca, M Lauria, M Unger, E Bilal, S Boue, K Kumar Dey, J Hoeng, ...
Bioinformatics 29 (22), 2892-2899, 2013
Verification of systems biology research in the age of collaborative competition
P Meyer, LG Alexopoulos, T Bonk, A Califano, CR Cho, A de la Fuente, ...
Nature biotechnology 29 (9), 811-815, 2011
Cell wall synthesis is necessary for membrane dynamics during sporulation of Bacillus subtilis
P Meyer, J Gutierrez, K Pogliano, J Dworkin
Molecular Microbiology 76 (4), 956-970, 2010
Network topology and parameter estimation: from experimental design methods to gene regulatory network kinetics using a community based approach
P Meyer, T Cokelaer, D Chandran, KH Kim, PR Loh, G Tucker, M Lipson, ...
BMC systems biology 8, 1-18, 2014
Rethinking cancer: current challenges and opportunities in cancer research
R Cagan, P Meyer
Disease models & mechanisms 10 (4), 349-352, 2017
Understanding the limits of animal models as predictors of human biology: lessons learned from the sbv IMPROVER Species Translation Challenge
K Rhrissorrakrai, V Belcastro, E Bilal, R Norel, C Poussin, C Mathis, ...
Bioinformatics 31 (4), 471-483, 2014
Interactions between late-acting proteins required for peptidoglycan synthesis during sporulation
A Fay, P Meyer, J Dworkin
Journal of molecular biology 399 (4), 547-561, 2010
Industrial methodology for process verification in research (IMPROVER): toward systems biology verification
P Meyer, J Hoeng, JJ Rice, R Norel, J Sprengel, K Stolle, T Bonk, ...
Bioinformatics 28 (9), 1193-1201, 2012
Applications of fluorescence microscopy to single bacterial cells
P Meyer, J Dworkin
Research in microbiology 158 (3), 187-194, 2007
Predicting natural language descriptions of mono-molecular odorants
ED Gutiérrez, A Dhurandhar, A Keller, P Meyer, GA Cecchi
Nature communications 9 (1), 4979, 2018
The species translation challenge—a systems biology perspective on human and rat bronchial epithelial cells
C Poussin, C Mathis, LG Alexopoulos, DE Messinis, RHJ Dulize, ...
Scientific Data 1 (1), 1-14, 2014
Benchmarked approaches for reconstruction of in vitro cell lineages and in silico models of C. elegans and M. musculus developmental trees
W Gong, AA Granados, J Hu, MG Jones, O Raz, I Salvador-Martínez, ...
Cell systems 12 (8), 810-826. e4, 2021
Advances in systems biology modeling: 10 years of crowdsourcing DREAM challenges
P Meyer, J Saez-Rodriguez
Cell Systems 12 (6), 636-653, 2021
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