Zack Zhu
Zack Zhu
ife.ee.ethz.ch의 이메일 확인됨
Online detection of freezing of gait with smartphones and machine learning techniques
S Mazilu, M Hardegger, Z Zhu, D Roggen, G Tröster, M Plotnik, ...
2012 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2012
The YouTube social network
M Wattenhofer, R Wattenhofer, Z Zhu
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 6 …, 2012
Naturalistic recognition of activities and mood using wearable electronics
Z Zhu, HF Satizabal, U Blanke, A Perez-Uribe, G Tröster
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 7 (3), 272-285, 2015
Inferring travel purpose from crowd-augmented human mobility data
Z Zhu, U Blanke, G Tröster
Proceedings of the first international conference on IoT in urban space, 44-49, 2014
Human activity recognition using social media data
Z Zhu, U Blanke, A Calatroni, G Tröster
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2013
Recognizing composite daily activities from crowd-labelled social media data
Z Zhu, U Blanke, G Tröster
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 26, 103-120, 2016
Informative yet unrevealing: Semantic obfuscation for location based services
J Yang, Z Zhu, J Seiter, G Tröster
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Privacy in Geographic Information …, 2015
Learning functional compositions of urban spaces with crowd-augmented travel survey data
Z Zhu, J Yang, C Zhong, J Seiter, G Tröster
Proceedings of the 23rd SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in …, 2015
Prior knowledge of human activities from social data
Z Zhu, U Blanke, A Calatroni, G Tröster
Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 141-142, 2013
Fusing on-body sensing with local and temporal cues for daily activity recognition
Z Zhu, U Blanke, A Calatroni, O Brdiczka, G Tröster
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Body Area Networks, 83-89, 2014
2012 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth) and Workshops
S Mazilu, M Hardegger, Z Zhu, D Roggen, G Tröster, M Plotnik, ...
IEEE, 2012
Optimizing the stochastic fleet estimation model using evolutionary computation
S Wesolkowski, Z Zhu
2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE World Congress on …, 2008
Method for monitoring an elevator system
C Studer, M Kusserow, R Tschuppert, Z Zhu
US Patent 11,524,869, 2022
Method and monitoring device for monitoring an operation of an elevator door arrangement
M Kusserow, Z Zhu, JAM Andrade
US Patent 11,524,876, 2022
Elevator being monitored with passenger smart mobile device
Z Zhu, M Kusserow, A Paice, H Widmer, R Zimmermann
US Patent App. 16/610,552, 2020
Method and elevator controller for detecting a malfunction in an elevator
M Kusserow, Z Zhu
US Patent App. 17/250,092, 2021
Method and device for determining a mapping of a number of floors to be served by an elevator and for determining relative trip-dependent data of an elevator car
M Kusserow, M Guarisco, Z Zhu
US Patent 12,187,577, 2025
Method for detecting an entry into an elevator car of an elevator system by a passenger
C Studer, M Kusserow, R Tschuppert, Z Zhu
US Patent 11,634,300, 2023
Method for monitoring characteristics of a door motion procedure of an elevator door using a smart mobile device
A Chiappa, M Kusserow, Z Zhu
US Patent 11,479,442, 2022
Continuously conveying passenger transport system, which can be walked on, having a charging possibility for mobile devices
M Kusserow, Z Zhu, T Novacek
US Patent 11,365,096, 2022
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