Maria-Chiara Ferrari
Carbon capture and storage update
ME Boot-Handford, JC Abanades, EJ Anthony, MJ Blunt, S Brandani, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 7 (1), 130-189, 2014
Redefining the Robeson upper bounds for CO 2/CH 4 and CO 2/N 2 separations using a series of ultrapermeable benzotriptycene-based polymers of intrinsic microporosity
B Comesaña-Gándara, J Chen, CG Bezzu, M Carta, I Rose, MC Ferrari, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 12 (9), 2733-2740, 2019
Polymer ultrapermeability from the inefficient packing of 2D chains
I Rose, CG Bezzu, M Carta, B Comesaña-Gándara, E Lasseuguette, ...
Nature materials 16 (9), 932-937, 2017
Highly Permeable Benzotriptycene-Based Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity
I Rose, M Carta, R Malpass-Evans, MC Ferrari, P Bernardo, G Clarizia, ...
ACS Macro Letters 4 (9), 912-915, 2015
The synthesis, chain-packing simulation and long-term gas permeability of highly selective spirobifluorene-based polymers of intrinsic microporosity
CG Bezzu, M Carta, MC Ferrari, JC Jansen, M Monteleone, E Esposito, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (22), 10507-10514, 2018
Gas and vapor transport in mixed matrix membranes based on amorphous Teflon AF1600 and AF2400 and fumed silica
MC Ferrari, M Galizia, MG De Angelis, GC Sarti
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49 (23), 11920-11935, 2010
Impact of CO2 impurity on CO2 compression, liquefaction and transportation
B Wetenhall, H Aghajani, H Chalmers, SD Benson, MC Ferrari, J Li, ...
Energy Procedia 63 (2), 2764-2778, 2014
Adsorption artificial tree for atmospheric carbon dioxide capture, purification and compression
G Santori, C Charalambous, MC Ferrari, S Brandani
Energy 162, 1158-1168, 2018
CO2 capture from natural gas combined cycles by CO2 selective membranes
DM Turi, M Ho, MC Ferrari, P Chiesa, DE Wiley, MC Romano
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 61, 168-183, 2017
Development of Mixed Matrix Membranes Containing Zeolites for Post-combustion Carbon Capture.
N Bryan, E Lasseuguette, M van Dalen, N Permogorov, A Amieiro, ...
Energy Procedia 63, 160-166, 2014
FTIR-ATR study of water distribution in a short-side-chain PFSI membrane
MC Ferrari, J Catalano, M Giacinti Baschetti, MG De Angelis, GC Sarti
Macromolecules 45 (4), 1901-1912, 2012
Temperature and Pressure Dependence of Gas Permeation in a Microporous Tröger’s Base Polymer
E Lasseuguette, R Malpass-Evans, M Carta, NB McKeown, MC Ferrari
Membranes 8 (4), 132, 2018
Thermolytic reverse electrodialysis heat engine: model development, integration and performance analysis
F Giacalone, F Vassallo, L Griffin, MC Ferrari, G Micale, F Scargiali, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 189, 1-13, 2019
Effect of humidity and flue gas impurities on CO 2 permeation of a polymer of intrinsic microporosity for post-combustion capture
E Lasseuguette, M Carta, S Brandani, MC Ferrari
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 50, 93-99, 2016
Modeling of oxygen scavenging for improved barrier behavior: Blend films
MC Ferrari, S Carranza, RT Bonnecaze, KK Tung, BD Freeman, DR Paul
Journal of Membrane Science 329 (1-2), 183-192, 2009
Analysis of CO2 Facilitation Transport Effect through a Hybrid Poly (Allyl Amine) Membrane: Pathways for Further Improvement
B Belaissaoui, E Lasseuguette, S Janakiram, L Deng, MC Ferrari
Membranes 10 (12), 367, 2020
Humidity Impact on the Gas Permeability of PIM-1 Membrane for Post-combustion Application
E Lasseuguette, MC Ferrari, S Brandani
Energy Procedia 63, 194-201, 2014
Efficient simulation and acceleration of convergence for a dual piston pressure swing adsorption system
D Friedrich, MC Ferrari, S Brandani
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (26), 8897-8905, 2013
Efficient and Rapid Screening of Novel Adsorbents for Carbon Capture in the UK IGSCC Project
E Mangano, S Brandani, MC Ferrari, H Ahn, D Friedrich, ML Lozinska, ...
Energy Procedia 37, 40-47, 2013
Adsorption and diffusion of CO 2 in CPO-27–Ni beads
S Krishnamurthy, R Blom, MC Ferrari, S Brandani
Adsorption 26 (5), 711-721, 2020
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