Jangmi Han
Jangmi Han
Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston
central.uh.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Formation and evolution of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu: direct evidence from returned samples
T Nakamura, M Matsumoto, K Amano, Y Enokido, ME Zolensky, ...
Science, 2022
Microstructural evidence for a disequilibrium condensation origin for hibonite‐spinel inclusions in the ALHA77307 CO3. 0 chondrite
J Han, AJ Brearley, LP Keller
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 50 (12), 2121-2136, 2015
Formation and evolution of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu: direct evidence from returned samples. Science 379: eabn8671
T Nakamura, M Matsumoto, K Amano, Y Enokido, ME Zolensky, ...
Microstructural evidence for complex formation histories of amoeboid olivine aggregates from the ALHA 77307 CO 3.0 chondrite
J Han, AJ Brearley
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 50 (5), 904-925, 2015
Aluminum-26 chronology of dust coagulation and early solar system evolution
MC Liu, J Han, AJ Brearley, AT Hertwig
Science advances 5 (9), eaaw3350, 2019
Microstructures and formation history of melilite-rich calcium–aluminum-rich inclusions from the ALHA77307 CO3. 0 chondrite
J Han, AJ Brearley
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 201, 136-154, 2017
Corundum–hibonite inclusions and the environments of high temperature processing in the early Solar System
AW Needham, S Messenger, J Han, LP Keller
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 196, 18-35, 2017
A coordinated microstructural and isotopic study of a Wark-Lovering rim on a Vigarano CAI
J Han, LP Keller, MC Liu, AW Needham, AT Hertwig, S Messenger, ...
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 269, 639-660, 2020
Origin of 16O-rich fine-grained Ca-Al-rich inclusions of different mineralogy and texture
J Han, B Jacobsen, MC Liu, AJ Brearley, JE Matzel, LP Keller
Geochemistry 79 (4), 125543, 2019
Microstructural constraints on complex thermal histories of refractory CAI-like objects in an amoeboid olivine aggregate from the ALHA77307 CO3. 0 chondrite
J Han, AJ Brearley
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 183, 176-197, 2016
A Record of Low-Temperature Asteroidal Processes of Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates from the Kainsaz CO3.2 Chondrite
J Han, C Park, AJ Brearley
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 322, 109-128, 2022
Formation and evolution of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu: direct evidence from returned samples. Science
T Nakamura, M Matsumoto, K Amano, Y Enokido, ME Zolensky, ...
Microstructural investigation of a Wark-Lovering rim on a Vigarano CAI
J Han, LP Keller, AW Needham, S Messenger, JI Simon
78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 1856, 5243, 2015
Microstructural constraints on the formational and thermal histories of refractory inclusions in CO3 chondrites
J Han
University of New Mexico, 2014
Atomic-scale structure and non-stoichiometry of meteoritic hibonite: A transmission electron microscope study
J Han, I Ohnishi, A Yasuhara, LP Keller
American Mineralogist 107, 873–884, 2022
Formation of TiO2 nanoparticles in a CAI-like object from an AOA in the ALHA 77307 CO3.0 carbonaceous chondrite
J Han, AJ Brearley
Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement 74, 5190, 2011
Antarctic meteorites recovered from Thiel Mountains, west Antarctica by the first Korea Expedition for Antarctic meteorites
BG Choi, JI Lee, I Ahn, J Han, M Kusakabe
Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement 42, 5173, 2007
Metamorphic temperature of equilibrated ordinary chondrites recovered by the lst and 2nd Korea Expedition for Antarctic Meteorites
J Han, BG Choi
Journal of the Geological Society of Korea 45 (2), 157-171, 2009
A FIB/TEM study of particle C0076-FO004 returned from the asteroid Ryugu, with a focus on the structures and compositions of sulfide grains
J Han, M Zolensky, J Martinez, AJ Brearley, T Nakamura, T Morita, ...
53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1838, 2022
Correlations among microstructure, morphology, chemistry, and isotopic systematics of hibonite in CM chondrites
J Han, MC Liu, L Kööp, LP Keller, AM Davis
80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 1987, 6380, 2017
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