Pavel Bessarab
Pavel Bessarab
lnu.se의 이메일 확인됨
Method for finding mechanism and activation energy of magnetic transitions, applied to skyrmion and antivortex annihilation
PF Bessarab, VM Uzdin, H Jónsson
Computer Physics Communications 196, 335-347, 2015
Lifetime of racetrack skyrmions
PF Bessarab, GP Müller, IS Lobanov, FN Rybakov, NS Kiselev, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3433, 2018
Enhanced skyrmion stability due to exchange frustration
S von Malottki, B Dupé, PF Bessarab, A Delin, S Heinze
Scientific reports 7 (1), 12299, 2017
Harmonic transition-state theory of thermal spin transitions
PF Bessarab, VM Uzdin, H Jónsson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (18), 184409, 2012
Stability and lifetime of antiferromagnetic skyrmions
PF Bessarab, D Yudin, DR Gulevich, P Wadley, M Titov, OA Tretiakov
Physical Review B 99 (14), 140411, 2019
Skyrmion lifetime in ultrathin films
S von Malottki, PF Bessarab, S Haldar, A Delin, S Heinze
Physical Review B 99 (6), 060409, 2019
Size and shape dependence of thermal spin transitions in nanoislands
PF Bessarab, VM Uzdin, H Jónsson
Physical Review Letters 110 (2), 020604, 2013
Experimental identification of two distinct skyrmion collapse mechanisms
F Muckel, S von Malottki, C Holl, B Pestka, M Pratzer, PF Bessarab, ...
Nature Physics 17 (3), 395-402, 2021
Duplication, collapse, and escape of magnetic skyrmions revealed using a systematic saddle point search method
GP Müller, PF Bessarab, SM Vlasov, F Lux, NS Kiselev, S Blügel, ...
Physical review letters 121 (19), 197202, 2018
Energy surface and lifetime of magnetic skyrmions
VM Uzdin, MN Potkina, IS Lobanov, PF Bessarab, H Jónsson
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 459, 236-240, 2018
Microscopic theory for coupled atomistic magnetization and lattice dynamics
J Fransson, D Thonig, PF Bessarab, S Bhattacharjee, J Hellsvik, ...
Physical review materials 1 (7), 074404, 2017
Potential Energy Surfaces and Rates of Spin Transitions
PF Bessarab, VM Uzdin, H Jónsson
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 227 (11), 1543-1557, 2013
The effect of confinement and defects on the thermal stability of skyrmions
VM Uzdin, MN Potkina, IS Lobanov, PF Bessarab, H Jónsson
Physica B: Condensed Matter 549, 6-9, 2018
First-principles prediction of sub-10-nm skyrmions in Pd/Fe bilayers on Rh (111)
S Haldar, S von Malottki, S Meyer, PF Bessarab, S Heinze
Physical Review B 98 (6), 060413, 2018
Comment on “Path to collapse for an isolated Néel skyrmion”
PF Bessarab
Physical Review B 95 (13), 136401, 2017
Theory of noncollinear interactions beyond Heisenberg exchange: Applications to bcc Fe
A Szilva, D Thonig, PF Bessarab, YO Kvashnin, DCM Rodrigues, ...
Physical Review B 96 (14), 144413, 2017
Toward room-temperature nanoscale skyrmions in ultrathin films
AS Varentcova, S von Malottki, MN Potkina, G Kwiatkowski, S Heinze, ...
npj Computational Materials 6, 193, 2020
Calculations of magnetic states and minimum energy paths of transitions using a noncollinear extension of the Alexander-Anderson model and a magnetic force theorem
PF Bessarab, VM Uzdin, H Jónsson
Physical Review B 89 (21), 214424, 2014
Generalized force approach to point-to-point ionospheric ray tracing and systematic identification of high and low rays
IA Nosikov, MV Klimenko, GA Zhbankov, AV Podlesnyi, VA Ivanova, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68 (1), 455-467, 2019
Application of the nudged elastic band method to the point-to-point radio wave ray tracing in IRI modeled ionosphere
IA Nosikov, MV Klimenko, PF Bessarab, GA Zhbankov
Advances in Space Research 60 (2), 491-497, 2017
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