Woo Jin Chung
Woo Jin Chung
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil & Energy System Engineering, Kyonggi University
kyonggi.ac.kr의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Review on pretreatment techniques to improve anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge
VK Nguyen, DK Chaudhary, RH Dahal, NH Trinh, J Kim, SW Chang, ...
Fuel 285, 119105, 2021
Adsorption isotherms and kinetic modeling of methylene blue dye onto a carbonaceous hydrochar adsorbent derived from coffee husk waste
TH Tran, AH Le, TH Pham, DT Nguyen, SW Chang, WJ Chung, ...
Science of the Total Environment 725, 138325, 2020
Effects of antibacterial ZnO nanoparticles on the performance of a chitosan/gum arabic edible coating for post-harvest banana preservation
DD La, P Nguyen-Tri, KH Le, PTM Nguyen, MDB Nguyen, ATK Vo, ...
Progress in Organic Coatings 151, 106057, 2021
Inhibition of multi-drug resistant microbial pathogens using an eco-friendly root extract of Furcraea foetida mediated silver nanoparticles
R Sitrarasi, VUM Nallal, M Razia, WJ Chung, J Shim, M Chandrasekaran, ...
Journal of King Saud University-Science 34 (2), 101794, 2022
Development of machine learning-based models to forecast solid waste generation in residential areas: A case study from Vietnam
XC Nguyen, TTH Nguyen, DD La, G Kumar, ER Rene, DD Nguyen, ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 167, 105381, 2021
Effect of biochar amendment on compost quality, gaseous emissions and pathogen reduction during in-vessel composting of chicken manure
WJ Chung, SW Chang, DK Chaudhary, JD Shin, H Kim, N Karmegam, ...
Chemosphere 283, 131129, 2021
Bacterial biosorbents, an efficient heavy metals green clean-up strategy: prospects, challenges, and opportunities
VHT Pham, J Kim, S Chang, W Chung
Microorganisms 10 (3), 610, 2022
Sustainable carbonaceous biochar adsorbents derived from agro-wastes and invasive plants for cation dye adsorption from water
XC Nguyen, TTH Nguyen, THC Nguyen, Q Van Le, TYB Vo, TCP Tran, ...
Chemosphere 282, 131009, 2021
Positive effects of compost and vermicompost produced from tannery waste-animal fleshing on the growth and yield of commercial crop-tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plant
B Ravindran, SR Lee, SW Chang, DD Nguyen, WJ Chung, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 234, 154-158, 2019
Comparison of characteristics and biocompatibility of green synthesized iron oxide nanoparticles with chemical synthesized nanoparticles
MJH Dowlath, SA Musthafa, SBM Khalith, S Varjani, SK Karuppannan, ...
Environmental Research 201, 111585, 2021
Comparative study on methylene blue adsorption behavior of coffee husk-derived activated carbon materials prepared using hydrothermal and soaking methods
TH Tran, HH Le, TH Pham, DT Nguyen, DD La, SW Chang, SM Lee, ...
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (4), 105362, 2021
Can electrocoagulation technology be integrated with wastewater treatment systems to improve treatment efficiency?
FY AlJaberi, SM Alardhi, SA Ahmed, AD Salman, T Juzsakova, I Cretescu, ...
Environmental Research 214, 113890, 2022
Rapid recovery of methane yield in organic overloaded-failed anaerobic digesters through bioaugmentation with acclimatized microbial consortium
B Basak, SM Patil, S Saha, MB Kurade, GS Ha, SP Govindwar, SS Lee, ...
Science of the Total Environment 764, 144219, 2021
Occurrence, fate, and potential risk of pharmaceutical pollutants in agriculture: Challenges and environmentally friendly solutions
MK Nguyen, C Lin, HL Nguyen, NTQ Hung, DD La, XH Nguyen, ...
Science of The Total Environment 899, 165323, 2023
Review on fate, transport, toxicity and health risk of nanoparticles in natural ecosystems: Emerging challenges in the modern age and solutions toward a sustainable environment
TK Tran, MK Nguyen, C Lin, TD Hoang, TC Nguyen, AM Lone, ...
Science of The Total Environment 912, 169331, 2024
A sustainable, low-cost carbonaceous hydrochar adsorbent for methylene blue adsorption derived from corncobs
TH Tran, AH Le, TH Pham, XC Nguyen, AK Nadda, SW Chang, WJ Chung, ...
Environmental Research 212, 113178, 2022
Developing Ni-based honeycomb-type catalysts using different binary oxide-supported species for synergistically enhanced CO2 methanation activity
JY Ahn, SW Chang, SM Lee, SS Kim, WJ Chung, JC Lee, YJ Cho, ...
Fuel 250, 277-284, 2019
Novel pure α-, β-, and mixed-phase α/β-Bi2O3 photocatalysts for enhanced organic dye degradation under both visible light and solar irradiation
T Kanagaraj, PSM Kumar, R Thomas, R Kulandaivelu, R Subramani, ...
Environmental Research 205, 112439, 2022
Myricetin: Versatile plant based flavonoid for cancer treatment by inducing cell cycle arrest and ROS–reliant mitochondria-facilitated apoptosis in A549 lung cancer cells and …
P Rajendran, U Maheshwari, A Muthukrishnan, R Muthuswamy, K Anand, ...
Molecular and cellular biochemistry 476, 57-68, 2021
Advances and prospects of porphyrin-based nanomaterials via self-assembly for photocatalytic applications in environmental treatment
DD La, HH Ngo, DD Nguyen, NT Tran, HT Vo, XH Nguyen, SW Chang, ...
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 463, 214543, 2022
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