Boseung Jeong
Boseung Jeong
postech.ac.kr의 이메일 확인됨
Asmr: Learning attribute-based person search with adaptive semantic margin regularizer
B Jeong, J Park, S Kwak
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
Human pose estimation in extremely low-light conditions
S Lee, J Rim, B Jeong, G Kim, B Woo, H Lee, S Cho, S Kwak
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2023
Hier: Metric learning beyond class labels via hierarchical regularization
S Kim, B Jeong, S Kwak
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2023
Learning discriminative part features through attentions for effective and scalable person search
J Park, B Jeong, J Shin, J Lee, S Kwak
2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2376-2380, 2020
PLOT: Text-Based Person Search with Part Slot Attention for Corresponding Part Discovery
J Park, D Kim, B Jeong, S Kwak
European Conference on Computer Vision, 474-490, 2024
Efficient and Versatile Robust Fine-Tuning of Zero-Shot Models
S Kim, B Jeong, D Kim, S Kwak
European Conference on Computer Vision, 440-458, 2024
Improving Text-based Person Search via Part-level Cross-modal Correspondence
J Park, B Jeong, D Kim, S Kwak
arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.00318, 2024
Efficient and Versatile Robust Fine-Tuning of Zero-shot Models—Supplementary Material—
S Kim, B Jeong, D Kim, S Kwak
Momentum 1000, 0.999, 0
Human Pose Estimation in Extremely Low-Light Conditions—–Supplementary Material—–
S Lee, J Rim, B Jeong, G Kim, B Woo, H Lee, S Cho, S Kwak
HIER: Metric Learning Beyond Class Labels via Hierarchical Regularization—Supplementary Material—
S Kim, B Jeong, S Kwak
Human Pose Estimation in the Dark
S Lee, J Rim, B Jeong, G Kim, BJ Woo, H Lee, S Cho, S Kwak
ASMR: Learning Attribute-Based Person Search with Adaptive Semantic Margin Regularizer—Supplementary Materials—
B Jeong, J Park, S Kwak
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