Pamela Kreeger, Ph.D.
Pamela Kreeger, Ph.D.
Professor of Pathology, Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
wisc.edu의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Cancer systems biology: a network modeling perspective
PK Kreeger, DA Lauffenburger
Carcinogenesis 31 (1), 2, 2010
Tissue-engineered follicles produce live, fertile offspring
M Xu, PK Kreeger, LD Shea, TK Woodruff
Tissue engineering 12 (10), 2739-2746, 2006
The in vitro regulation of ovarian follicle development using alginate-extracellular matrix gels
PK Kreeger, JW Deck, TK Woodruff, LD Shea
Biomaterials 27 (5), 714-723, 2006
Postnatal regulation of germ cells by activin: the establishment of the initial follicle pool
SK Bristol-Gould, PK Kreeger, CG Selkirk, SM Kilen, RW Cook, JL Kipp, ...
Developmental biology 298 (1), 132-148, 2006
Regulation of mouse follicle development by follicle-stimulating hormone in a three-dimensional in vitro culture system is dependent on follicle stage and dose
PK Kreeger, NN Fernandes, TK Woodruff, LD Shea
Biology of reproduction 73 (5), 942-950, 2005
Fate of the initial follicle pool: empirical and mathematical evidence supporting its sufficiency for adult fertility
SK Bristol-Gould, PK Kreeger, CG Selkirk, SM Kilen, KE Mayo, LD Shea, ...
Developmental biology 298 (1), 149-154, 2006
Decoupling the effects of stiffness and fiber density on cellular behaviors via an interpenetrating network of gelatin-methacrylate and collagen
AJ Berger, KM Linsmeier, PK Kreeger, KS Masters
Biomaterials 141, 125-135, 2017
Scaffold stiffness influences breast cancer cell invasion via EGFR-linked Mena upregulation and matrix remodeling
AJ Berger, CM Renner, I Hale, X Yang, SM Ponik, PS Weisman, ...
Matrix Biology 85, 80-93, 2020
Murine granulosa cell morphology and function are regulated by a synthetic Arg–Gly–Asp matrix
PK Kreeger, TK Woodruff, LD Shea
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 205 (1-2), 1-10, 2003
M2 macrophages induce ovarian cancer cell proliferation via a heparin binding epidermal growth factor/matrix metalloproteinase 9 intercellular feedback loop
MJ Carroll, A Kapur, M Felder, MS Patankar, PK Kreeger
Oncotarget 7 (52), 86608, 2016
Alternatively-activated macrophages upregulate mesothelial expression of P-selectin to enhance adhesion of ovarian cancer cells
MJ Carroll, KC Fogg, HA Patel, HB Krause, AS Mancha, MS Patankar, ...
Cancer research 78 (13), 3560-3573, 2018
RAS Mutations Affect Tumor Necrosis Factor–Induced Apoptosis in Colon Carcinoma Cells via ERK-Modulatory Negative and Positive Feedback Circuits Along with Non-ERK Pathway Effects
PK Kreeger, R Mandhana, SK Alford, KM Haigis, DA Lauffenburger
Cancer research 69 (20), 8191, 2009
Using partial least squares regression to analyze cellular response data
PK Kreeger
Science signaling 6 (271), tr7-tr7, 2013
Ten simple rules for developing a mentor–mentee expectations document
KS Masters, PK Kreeger
PLoS Computational Biology 13 (9), e1005709, 2017
Strategies from UW-Madison for rescuing biomedical research in the US
J Kimble, WM Bement, Q Chang, BL Cox, NR Drinkwater, RL Gourse, ...
Elife 4, e09305, 2015
Analysis of cancer signaling networks by systems biology to develop therapies
RD Prasasya, D Tian, PK Kreeger
Seminars in Cancer Biology 21 (3), 200-206, 2011
Hierarchy of cellular decisions in collective behavior: Implications for wound healing
LE Wickert, S Pomerenke, I Mitchell, KS Masters, PK Kreeger
Scientific reports 6 (1), 20139, 2016
Alternatively activated macrophage-derived secretome stimulates ovarian cancer spheroid spreading through a JAK2/STAT3 pathway
KC Fogg, WR Olson, JN Miller, A Khan, C Renner, I Hale, PS Weisman, ...
Cancer letters 458, 92-101, 2019
Engineering the extracellular matrix to model the evolving tumor microenvironment
HM Micek, MR Visetsouk, KS Masters, PK Kreeger
IScience 23 (11), 2020
High-grade serous ovarian cancer cell lines exhibit heterogeneous responses to growth factor stimulation
DL Bourgeois, KA Kabarowski, VL Porubsky, PK Kreeger
Cancer cell international 15, 1-11, 2015
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