Mariano Ruiz
Mariano Ruiz
Professor of Instrumentation and Embedded systems, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
upm.es의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Overview of the JET results in support to ITER
X Litaudon, S Abduallev, M Abhangi, P Abreu, M Afzal, KM Aggarwal, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102001, 2017
Results of the JET real-time disruption predictor in the ITER-like wall campaigns
J Vega, S Dormido-Canto, JM López, A Murari, JM Ramírez, R Moreno, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 88 (6-8), 1228-1231, 2013
Efficient generation of energetic ions in multi-ion plasmas by radio-frequency heating
YO Kazakov, J Ongena, JC Wright, SJ Wukitch, E Lerche, MJ Mantsinen, ...
Nature Physics 13 (10), 973-978, 2017
Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall
F Romanelli, JETE Contributors
Nuclear Fusion 53 (10), 104002, 2013
Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation
J Mailloux, N Abid, K Abraham, P Abreu, O Adabonyan, P Adrich, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (4), 042026, 2022
Ultrasonic wave-based structural health monitoring embedded instrument
G Aranguren, PM Monje, V Cokonaj, E Barrera, M Ruiz
Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (12), 2013
Fusion yield measurements on JET and their calibration
DB Syme, S Popovichev, S Conroy, I Lengar, L Snoj, C Sowden, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (11), 2766-2775, 2014
Integrated modelling of H-mode pedestal and confinement in JET-ILW
S Saarelma, CD Challis, L Garzotti, L Frassinetti, CF Maggi, M Romanelli, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60 (1), 014042, 2017
PXI-based architecture for real-time data acquisition and distributed dynamic data processing
E Barrera, M Ruiz, S Lopez, D Machón, J Vega
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 53 (3), 923-926, 2006
Overview of the JET results
F Romanelli
Nuclear Fusion 55 (10), 104001, 2015
W transport and accumulation control in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITER
F Köchl, A Loarte, E De La Luna, V Parail, G Corrigan, D Harting, I Nunes, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60 (7), 074008, 2018
Damage detection and characterization in composites using a geometric modification of the RAPID algorithm
G Azuara, E Barrera, M Ruiz, D Bekas
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (4), 2084-2093, 2019
14 MeV calibration of JET neutron detectors—phase 1: calibration and characterization of the neutron source
P Batistoni, S Popovichev, A Cufar, Z Ghani, L Giacomelli, S Jednorog, ...
Nuclear Fusion 58 (2), 026012, 2017
Real-time aircraft noise likeness detector
C Asensio, M Ruiz, M Recuero
Applied Acoustics 71 (6), 539-545, 2010
High fusion performance at high Ti/Te in JET-ILW baseline plasmas with high NBI heating power and low gas puffing
HT Kim, ACC Sips, M Romanelli, CD Challis, F Rimini, L Garzotti, ...
Nuclear Fusion 58 (3), 036020, 2018
Damage localization in composite plates using wavelet transform and 2-D convolutional neural networks
G Azuara, M Ruiz, E Barrera
Sensors 21 (17), 5825, 2021
Equilibrium reconstruction at JET using Stokes model for polarimetry
B Faugeras, F Orsitto, JET Contributors
Nuclear Fusion 58 (10), 106032, 2018
Electron acceleration in a JET disruption simulation
C Sommariva, E Nardon, P Beyer, M Hoelzl, GTA Huijsmans, ...
Nuclear Fusion 58 (10), 106022, 2018
Implementation of the disruption predictor APODIS in JET’s real-time network using the MARTe framework
JM López, J Vega, D Alves, S Dormido-Canto, A Murari, JM Ramírez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 61 (2), 741-744, 2014
Implementation of intelligent data acquisition systems for fusion experiments using EPICS and FlexRIO technology
D Sanz, M Ruiz, R Castro, J Vega, JM Lopez, E Barrera, N Utzel, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (5), 3446-3453, 2013
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