Boris Pérez
Boris Pérez
Assistant Professor / Computer Science / UFPS, PhD
ufps.edu.co의 이메일 확인됨
Tax fraud detection for under-reporting declarations using an unsupervised machine learning approach
D de Roux, B Perez, A Moreno, MP Villamil, C Figueroa
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2018
Applying data mining techniques to predict student dropout: a case study
B Perez, C Castellanos, D Correal
2018 IEEE 1st Colombian Conference on Applications in Computational …, 2018
Predicting student drop-out rates using data mining techniques: A case study
B Pérez, C Castellanos, D Correal
IEEE Colombian Conference on Applications in Computational Intelligence, 111-125, 2018
Surveying software practitioners on technical debt payment practices and reasons for not paying off debt items
S Freire, N Rios, B Gutierrez, D Torres, M Mendonça, C Izurieta, ...
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Evaluation and …, 2020
Hearing the voice of software practitioners on causes, effects, and practices to deal with documentation debt
N Rios, L Mendes, C Cerdeiral, APF Magalhães, B Perez, D Correal, ...
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 26th …, 2020
Prevalence, common causes and effects of technical debt: Results from a family of surveys with the IT industry
R Ramač, V Mandić, N Taušan, N Rios, S Freire, B Pérez, C Castellanos, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 184, 111114, 2022
Technical debt payment and prevention through the lenses of software architects
B Pérez, C Castellanos, D Correal, N Rios, S Freire, R Spínola, ...
Information and Software Technology 140, 106692, 2021
What are the practices used by software practitioners on technical debt payment: results from an international family of surveys
B Pérez, C Castellanos, D Correal, N Rios, S Freire, R Spínola, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technical Debt, 103-112, 2020
Familiarity, Causes and Reactions of Software Practitioners to the Presence of Technical Debt: A Replicated Study in the Chilean Software Industry
B Pérez, JP Brito, H Astudillo, D Correal, N Rios, RO Spínola, ...
2019 38th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2019
Software practitioners’ point of view on technical debt payment
S Freire, N Rios, B Pérez, C Castellanos, D Correal, R Ramač, V Mandić, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 196, 111554, 2023
Pitfalls and solutions for technical debt management in agile software projects
S Freire, N Rios, B Pérez, C Castellanos, D Correal, R Ramač, V Mandić, ...
IEEE Software 38 (6), 42-49, 2021
How Experience Impacts Practitioners' Perception of Causes and Effects of Technical Debt
S Freire, N Rios, B Pérez, C Castellanos, D Correal, R Ramač, V Mandić, ...
2021 IEEE/ACM 13th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects …, 2021
Caracterización microscópica de texturas superficiales fabricadas aditivamente mediante estereolitografía láser
EDV Niño, JLE Armenteros, HAE Durán, BP Gutierrez, AD Lantada
Respuestas 21 (2), 37-47, 2016
On the relationship between technical debt management and process models
N Rios, S Freire, B Perez, C Castellanos, D Correal, M Mendonça, ...
IEEE Software 38 (5), 56-64, 2021
A proposed model-driven approach to manage architectural technical debt life cycle
B Pérez, D Correal, H Astudillo
2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Technical Debt (TechDebt), 73-77, 2019
Comparación de técnicas de minería de datos para identificar indicios de deserción estudiantil, a partir del desempeño académico
Revista UIS Ingenierías 19 (1 (2020)), 193-204, 2020
How do Technical Debt Payment Practices Relate to the Effects of the Presence of Debt Items in Software Projects?
S Freire, N Rios, B Pérez, D Torres, M Mendonça, C Izurieta, C Seaman, ...
2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and …, 2021
Organizing the TD Management Landscape for Requirements and Requirements Documentation Debt
L Barbosa, S Freire, N Rios, R Ramač, N Taušan, B Pérez, C Castellanos, ...
UMBC Faculty Collection, 2022
A Model-Driven Architectural Design Method for Big Data Analytics Applications
C Castellanos, B Pérez, D Correal, CA Varela
2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSA …, 2020
Technical debt is not only about code and we need to be aware about it
C Berenguer, A Borges, S Freire, N Rios, N Tausan, R Ramac, B Pérez, ...
Proceedings of the XX Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 1-12, 2021
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