Dr. Antoine Cottin
Dr. Antoine Cottin
Reseach Fellow Assistant, Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter
exeter.ac.uk의 이메일 확인됨
Shallow seabed mapping and classification using waveform analysis and bathymetry from SHOALS lidar data
AG Cottin, DL Forbes, BF Long
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (5), 422-434, 2009
What Optech’s bathymetric LiDAR sees underwater
B Long, A Cottin, A Collin
2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 3170-3173, 2007
Towards new frontiers for distributed environmental monitoring based on an ecosystem of plant seed-like soft robots
B Mazzolai, T Kraus, N Pirrone, L Kooistra, A De Simone, A Cottin, ...
Proceedings of the Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, 221-224, 2021
Statistical classification methodology of SHOALS 3000 backscatter to mapping coastal benthic habitats
A Collin, A Cottin, B Long, P Kuus, JH Clarke, P Archambault, G Sohn, ...
2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 3178-3181, 2007
Adaptation du SHOALS-3000T à la cartographie sédimentaire des zones peu profondes de la côte nord de la Baie des Chaleurs, Golfe du Saint-Laurent
A Cottin
Ph. D. dissertation, Golfe du Saint-Laurent, QC, Canada. INRS-ETE, 2008
A proposed field validation campaign for CZMIL
AG Cottin, MO Gonsalves, SA Epps, K Barbor, K Martin, P Heidingsfelder, ...
Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and …, 2010
The first spectral map of a forest understory from multispectral lidar
S Fleming, A Cottin, IH Woodhouse
Lidar News 5 (1), 26-30, 2015
Adaptation du SHOALS à la cartographie sédimentaire côtière peu profonde dans la Baie des Chaleurs, Québec, Canada
A Cottin
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (Canada), 2008
Bringing colour to point clouds
S Fleming, IH Woodhouse, A Cottin
Hip International 29 (2), 22-25, 2015
Advancing environmental intelligence through novel approaches in soft bioinspired robotics and allied technologies: I-seed project position paper for environmental intelligence …
B Mazzolai, T Kraus, N Pirrone, L Kooistra, A De Simone, A Cottin, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social …, 2022
Comparison of different methods to compute Total Propagation Uncertainty for airborne bathymetric LiDAR (Conference Presentation)
AG Cottin, O Ioannou, L Soltesz, M Pfennigbauer, A Spitzer, A Ullrich
Laser Radar Technology and Applications XXV 11410, 114100H, 2020
Airborne lidar in rainforest
S Fleming, I Woodhouse, A Cottin
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