Leslie Ching Ow Tiong
Leslie Ching Ow Tiong
samsung.com의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
E-cheating Prevention Measures: Detection of Cheating at Online Examinations Using Deep Learning Approach - A Case Study
LCO Tiong, HJJ Lee
arXiv Preprint arXiv:2101.09841, 2021
Multimodal facial biometrics recognition: Dual-stream convolutional neural networks with multi-feature fusion layers
LCO Tiong, ST Kim, YM Ro
Image and Vision Computing 102 (2020), 103977, 2020
Implementation of Multimodal Biometric Recognition via Multi-feature Deep Learning Networks and Feature Fusion
LCO Tiong, ST Kim, YM Ro
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78 (16), 22743–22772, 2019
Identification of crystal symmetry from noisy diffraction patterns by a shape analysis and deep learning
LCO Tiong†, J Kim†(†Equal contribution), SS Han, D Kim
npj Computational Materials 6 (196), 2020
Periocular Recognition in the Wild: Implementation of RGB-OCLBCP Dual-stream CNN
LCO Tiong, Y Lee, ABJ Teoh
Applied Sciences 9 (13), 2709, 2019
Hidden Markov Models for Forex Trends Prediction
Y Lee, LCO Tiong, DCL Ngo
International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA), 1-4, 2014
3D-C2FT: Coarse-to-fine Transformer for Multi-view 3D Reconstruction
LCO Tiong†, D Sigmund†(†Equal contribution), ABJ Teoh
Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 1438-1454, 2022
Periocular Recognition in the Wild with Orthogonal Combination of Local Binary Coded Pattern in Dual-stream Convolutional Neural Network
LCO Tiong, ABJ Teoh, Y Lee
International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), 1-6, 2019
Role of dimple textured surface on tribological properties of Ti/Al-codoped diamond-like carbon films
X Xua, P Guo, LCO Tiong, X Zuo, X Li, KR Lee, P Cui, P Ke, A Wang
Thin Solid Films 138136, 2020
Forex trading prediction using linear regression line, artificial neural network and dynamic time warping algorithms
LCO Tiong, DCL Ngo, Y Lee
Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. Comput. Informatics, 71-77, 2013
Forex prediction engine: framework, modelling techniques and implementations
LCO Tiong, DCL Ngo, Y Lee
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 13 (4), 364-377, 2016
Stock price prediction model using candlestick pattern feature
LCO Tiong, DC Ngo, Y Lee
International Journal Of Interactive Digital Media 1 (3), 58-64, 2013
Deep Learning-Based Prediction of Material Properties Using Chemical Compositions and Diffraction Patterns as Experimentally Accessible Inputs
J Kim†, LCO Tiong†(†Equal contribution), D Kim, SS Han
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 8376–8383, 2021
Multimodal Face Biometrics by Using Convolutional Neural Networks
LCO Tiong, ST Kim, YM Ro
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society 20 (2), 170-178, 2017
Face-periocular cross-identification via contrastive hybrid attention vision transformer
LCO Tiong, D Sigmund, ABJ Teoh
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 30, 254-258, 2023
Bespoke Metal Nanoparticle Synthesis at Room Temperature and Discovery of Chemical Knowledge on Nanoparticle Growth via Autonomous Experimentations
HJ Yoo, N Kim, H Lee, D Kim, LCO Tiong, H Nam, C Kim, SY Lee, KY Lee, ...
Advanced Functional Materials, 2312561, 2024
Predicting failure progressions of structural materials via deep learning based on void topology
LCO Tiong†, G Lee†(†Equal contribution), GH Yi, SS Sohn, D Kim
Acta Materialia 250, 118862, 2023
Prediction of Forex Trend Movement using Linear Regression Line, Two-Stage of Multi-Layer Perceptron and Dynamic Time Warping Algorithms
LCO Tiong, DCL Ngo, Y Lee
Journal of Information & Communication Technology 15 (2), 117–140, 2016
Machine vision-based detections of transparent chemical vessels toward the safe automation of material synthesis
LCO Tiong†, HJ Yoo†(†Equal contribution), N Kim, C Kim, KY Lee, ...
npj Computational Materials 10 (1), 42, 2024
Periocular recognition in the wild with learned label smoothing regularization
YG Jung, J Park, LCO Tiong, ABJ Teoh
Twelfth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2020 …, 2020
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