Elaboration as a determinant of attitude strength: Creating attitudes that are persistent, resistant, and predictive of behavior RE Petty, CP Haugtvedt, SM Smith Attitude strength, 93-130, 2014 | 1086 | 2014 |
Need for cognition and advertising: Understanding the role of personality variables in consumer behavior CP Haugtvedt, RE Petty, JT Cacioppo Journal of consumer psychology 1 (3), 239-260, 1992 | 1077 | 1992 |
Personality and persuasion: Need for cognition moderates the persistence and resistance of attitude changes. CP Haugtvedt, RE Petty Journal of Personality and Social psychology 63 (2), 308, 1992 | 943 | 1992 |
Message order effects in persuasion: An attitude strength perspective CP Haugtvedt, DT Wegener Journal of consumer research 21 (1), 205-218, 1994 | 698 | 1994 |
Environmental marketing: strategies, practice, theory, and research W Winston, AT Mintu-Wimsatt Routledge, 2013 | 342 | 2013 |
Handbook of consumer psychology CP Haugtvedt, PM Herr, FR Kardes Routledge, 2018 | 328 | 2018 |
Attitudes and recycling: does the measurement of affect enhance behavioral prediction? SM Smith, CP Haugtvedt, RE Petty Psychology & Marketing 11 (4), 359-374, 1994 | 307 | 1994 |
Advertising repetition and variation strategies: Implications for understanding attitude strength CP Haugtvedt, DW Schumann, WL Schneier, WL Warren Journal of Consumer Research 21 (1), 176-189, 1994 | 301 | 1994 |
I know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it MC Campbell, A Kirmani Handbook of Concumer Psychology, 549-574, 2008 | 294 | 2008 |
Source and message factors in persuasion: A reply to Stiff's critique of the elaboration likelihood model RE Petty, JA Kasmer, CP Haugtvedt, JT Cacioppo Taylor & Francis Group 54 (3), 233-249, 1987 | 272 | 1987 |
Attention, distraction, and cold-pressor pain. KD McCaul, C Haugtvedt Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 43 (1), 154, 1982 | 231 | 1982 |
Personality and Ad Effectiveness: Exploring the Utility of Need for Cognition. C Haugtvedt, RE Petty, JT Cacioppo, T Steidley Advances in consumer research 15 (1), 1988 | 214 | 1988 |
Interactive effects of presentation modality and message-generated imagery on recall of advertising information HR Unnava, S Agarwal, CP Haugtvedt Journal of Consumer Research 23 (1), 81-88, 1996 | 185 | 1996 |
Contemporary attitude theory in sport: Theoretical considerations and implications DC Funk, CP Haugtvedt, DR Howard Sport Management Review 3 (2), 125-144, 2000 | 165 | 2000 |
Online consumer psychology: Understanding and influencing consumer behavior in the virtual world CP Haugtvedt, KA Machleit, R Yalch Psychology Press, 2005 | 155 | 2005 |
Ego-involvement and persuasion: An appreciative look at the Sherif’s contribution to the study of self-relevance and attitude change RE Petty, JT Cacioppo, CP Haugtvedt Social judgment and intergroup relations: Essays in honor of Muzafer Sherif …, 1992 | 153 | 1992 |
Goal-directed consumer behavior H Baumgartner, R Pieters, C Haugtvedt, P Herr, F Kardes Handbook of consumer psychology, 367-92, 2008 | 148 | 2008 |
Understanding interactivity of cyberspace advertising HA Roehm, CP Haugtvedt Advertising and the world wide web, 37-50, 1999 | 132 | 1999 |
Handbook of consumer psychology I Ajzen, CP Haugtvedt, PM Herr, FR Cardes Chapter: Consumer Attitudes and Behavior 1, 2008 | 79 | 2008 |
Attitude change and persuasion CP Haugtvedt, JA Kasmer Handbook of consumer psychology, 427-443, 2018 | 75 | 2018 |