Stephanie Wilson
Stephanie Wilson
Associate Professor, University of Sydney
確認したメール アドレス: sydney.edu.au - ホームページ
The effect of music on perceived atmosphere and purchase intentions in a restaurant
S Wilson
Psychology of music 31 (1), 93-112, 2003
Designing for situated learning: Understanding the relations between material properties, designed form and emergent learning activity
P Yeoman, S Wilson
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (5), 2090-2108, 2019
Design for an unknown future: Amplified roles for collaboration, new design knowledge, and creativity
S Wilson, L Zamberlan
Design Issues 31 (2), 3-15, 2015
Design pedagogy for an unknown future: a view from the expanding field of design scholarship and professional practice
SE Wilson, L Zamberlan
International Journal of Art & Design Education 36 (1), 106-117, 2017
Student perceptions of AI-generated avatars in teaching business ethics: We might not be impressed
C Vallis, S Wilson, D Gozman, J Buchanan
Postdigital Science and Education 6 (2), 537-555, 2024
Using co-design processes to support strategic pedagogical change in business education
S Wilson, E Huber, P Bryant
Handbook of teaching and learning at business schools, 20-35, 2021
Developing an Embedded Peer Tutor Program in Design Studio to Support First Year Design Students.
L Zamberlan, S Wilson
Journal of Peer Learning 8 (3), 5-17, 2015
Curriculum development in studio teaching
R Zehner, G Forsyth, E Musgrave, D Neale, B de la Harpe, F Peterson, ...
Volume One: STP final report. Surrey Hills, NSW: Australian Learning and …, 2009
Show me yours: developing a faculty-wide interdisciplinary initiative in built environment higher education.
S Wilson, L Zamberlan
Contemporary Issues in Education Research 5 (4), 331-342, 2012
Optimising studio outcomes: Guidelines for curriculum development from the Australian studio teaching project
R Zehner, G Forsyth, B De La Harpe, F Peterson, E Musgrave, D Neale, ...
ConnectED2010–2nd International Conference on Design Education, University …, 2010
Co-design as professional learning: pulling each other in different directions, pulling together
C Vallis, S Wilson, J Tyrrell, V Narayan
Developing online teaching in higher education: Global perspectives on …, 2022
Co-design as a networked approach to designing educational futures
D Wardak, S Wilson, S Zeivots
Postdigital Science and Education 6 (1), 194-210, 2024
“Conversation leading to progress”: student perceptions of peer tutors’ contribution to enhancing creativity and collaboration in a first year design studio
L Zamberlan, SE Wilson
Journal of Peer Learning 10 (1), 2017
A Musical Lens on Spatial Representations of Form to Support Designers and Teachers Using Hybrid Learning Spaces
S Wilson
Postdigital Science and Education 4 (1), 177-200, 2022
Listening to the post-script: Intersections between improvisation and indeterminacy in music and education
S Wilson
Postdigital Science and Education 5 (2), 359-385, 2023
Curriculum development in studio teaching: Volume 1: Studio Teaching Project final report
R Zehner, G Forsyth, E Musgrave, D Neale, B De La Harpe, F Peterson, ...
Australian Learning and Teaching Council, Sydney, 2009
Impromptu design as a vehicle for developing team work and problem solving skills in design engineering
C Reidsema, S Wilson, C Netherton
International Conference on Engineering Education, Gainesville, Florida, USA, 2004
Pattern perception and temporality in the music of Steve Reich: An interdisciplinary approach
SE Wilson
UNSW Sydney, 1999
Curriculum development in studio teaching
B de la Harpe, S Wilson, R Zehner, F Peterson, N Frankham
STP Academic Survey Report UNSW Studio Teaching Project 2, 2009
Blended learning at scale: co-designing a large postgraduate finance course
A Cram, S Wilson, M Taylor, C Mellare
Journal of Work-Applied Management 16 (2), 235-252, 2024
論文 1–20