Yong Luo
Tensor canonical correlation analysis for multi-view dimension reduction
Y Luo, D Tao, K Ramamohanarao, C Xu, Y Wen
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 27 (11), 3111-3124, 2015
Manifold regularized multitask learning for semi-supervised multilabel image classification
Y Luo, D Tao, B Geng, C Xu, S Maybank
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22 (2), 523-536, 2013
Multiview matrix completion for multilabel image classification
Y Luo, T Liu, D Tao, C Xu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (8), 2355-2368, 2015
Multiview vector-valued manifold regularization for multilabel image classification
Y Luo, D Tao, C Xu, C Xu, H Liu, Y Wen
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 24 (5), 709-722, 2013
Low-rank multiview learning in matrix completion for multilabel image classification
M Liu, Y Luo, D Tao, C Xu, Y Wen
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2778-2784, 2015
Decomposition-based transfer distance metric learning for image classification
Y Luo, T Liu, D Tao, C Xu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (9), 3789-3801, 2014
Cost-sensitive feature selection by optimizing F-measures
M Liu, C Xu, Y Luo, C Xu, Y Wen, D Tao
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (3), 1323-1335, 2018
Large margin multi-modal multi-task feature extraction for image classification
Y Luo, Y Wen, D Tao, J Gui, C Xu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 25 (1), 414-427, 2016
Group sparse multiview patch alignment framework with view consistency for image classification
J Gui, D Tao, Z Sun, Y Luo, X You, Y Tang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (7), 3126-3137, 2014
Transferring knowledge fragments for learning distance metric from a heterogeneous domain
Y Luo, Y Wen, T Liu, D Tao
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 41 (4), 1013-1026, 2019
Federated learning for non-IID data via unified feature learning and optimization objective alignment
L Zhang, Y Luo, Y Bai, B Du, LY Duan
International Conference on Computer Vision, 4420-4428, 2021
Towards understanding the power of quantum kernels in the NISQ era
X Wang, Y Du, Y Luo, D Tao
Quantum 5, 531, 2021
Vector-valued multiview semi-supervised learning for multilabel image classification
Y Luo, D Tao, C Xu, D Li, C Xu
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 647-653, 2013
Pitch-density-based features and an SVM binary tree approach for multi-class audio classification in broadcast news
L Xie, Z Fu, W Feng, Y Luo
Multimedia Systems 17 (2), 101-112, 2011
Manifold regularized multiview feature selection for web image annotation
Y Li, X Shi, L Tong, Y Luo, J Tu, X Zhu
Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, 103-112, 2014
Resistance training using prior bias: toward unbiased scene graph generation
C Chen, Y Zhan, B Yu, L Liu, Y Luo, B Du
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 212-220, 2022
MambaHSI: Spatial-Spectral Mamba for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Y Li, Y Luo, L Zhang, Z Wang, B Du
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62, 5524216, 2024
ResumeGAN: An optimized deep representation learning framework for talent-job fit via adversarial learning
Y Luo, H Zhang, Y Wen, X Zhang
ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 1101-1110, 2019
Pre-trained multiview word embedding using two-side neural network
Y Luo, J Tang, J Yan, C Xu, Z Chen
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1982-1988, 2014
Heterogeneous multitask metric learning across multiple domains
Y Luo, Y Wen, D Tao
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 29 (9), 4051-4064, 2018
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