Peter Lovibond
Peter Lovibond
School of Psychology, University of New South Wales
確認したメール アドレス: unsw.edu.au
The structure of negative emotional states: Comparison of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) with the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories
PF Lovibond, SH Lovibond
Behaviour research and therapy 33 (3), 335-343, 1995
Depression anxiety and stress scales
PF Lovibond, SH Lovibond
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1995
The propositional nature of human associative learning
CJ Mitchell, J De Houwer, PF Lovibond
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2), 183-198, 2009
The role of awareness in Pavlovian conditioning: empirical evidence and theoretical implications.
PF Lovibond, DR Shanks
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 28 (1), 3, 2002
Percentile norms and accompanying interval estimates from an Australian general adult population sample for self‐report mood scales (BAI, BDI, CRSD, CES‐D, DASS, DASS‐21, STAI …
J Crawford, C Cayley, PF Lovibond, PH Wilson, C Hartley
Australian Psychologist 46 (1), 3-14, 2011
Long-term stability of depression, anxiety, and stress syndromes.
PF Lovibond
Journal of abnormal psychology 107 (3), 520, 1998
A randomized controlled trial of D-cycloserine enhancement of exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder
AJ Guastella, R Richardson, PF Lovibond, RM Rapee, JE Gaston, ...
Biological psychiatry 63 (6), 544-549, 2008
Extinction in human fear conditioning
D Hermans, MG Craske, S Mineka, PF Lovibond
Biological psychiatry 60 (4), 361-368, 2006
Safety behaviours preserve threat beliefs: Protection from extinction of human fear conditioning by an avoidance response
PF Lovibond, CJ Mitchell, E Minard, A Brady, RG Menzies
Behaviour research and therapy 47 (8), 716-720, 2009
Psychometric properties of a Chinese version of the short Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS21)
M Taouk, PF Lovibond, R Laube
Report for new South Wales transcultural mental health centre, Cumberland …, 2001
Context specificity of conditioning, extinction, and latent inhibition.
PF Lovibond, GC Preston, NJ Mackintosh
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 10 (3), 360, 1984
Facilitation of instrumental behavior by a Pavlovian appetitive conditioned stimulus.
PF Lovibond
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 9 (3), 225, 1983
Psychometric properties of an arabic version of the depression anxiety stress scales (DASS)
MT Moussa, P Lovibond, R Laube, HA Megahead
Research on social work practice 27 (3), 375-386, 2017
Link-based learning theory creates more problems than it solves
CJ Mitchell, J De Houwer, PF Lovibond
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2), 230-246, 2009
Protection from extinction in human fear conditioning
PF Lovibond, NR Davis, AS O'Flaherty
Behaviour research and therapy 38 (10), 967-983, 2000
A randomized controlled trial of the effect of D-cycloserine on exposure therapy for spider fear
AJ Guastella, MR Dadds, PF Lovibond, P Mitchell, R Richardson
Journal of psychiatric research 41 (6), 466-471, 2007
The utility of somatic items in the assessment of depression in patients with chronic pain: a comparison of the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale and the Depression Anxiety …
R Taylor, PF Lovibond, MK Nicholas, C Cayley, PH Wilson
The Clinical journal of pain 21 (1), 91-100, 2005
Cognitive processes in extinction
PF Lovibond
Learning & Memory 11 (5), 495-500, 2004
Causal beliefs and conditioned responses: retrospective revaluation induced by experience and by instruction.
PF Lovibond
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 29 (1), 97, 2003
Fear and avoidance: an integrated expectancy model.
P Lovibond
American Psychological Association, 2006
論文 1–20