Professor Dr. Muhammad Iqbal
Professor Dr. Muhammad Iqbal
Dean, Faculty of Science, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan
確認したメール アドレス: fulbrightmail.org
FTIR spectrophotometry, kinetics and adsorption isotherms modeling, ion exchange, and EDX analysis for understanding the mechanism of Cd2+ and Pb2+ removal by mango peel waste
M Iqbal, A Saeed, SI Zafar
Journal of hazardous materials 164 (1), 161-171, 2009
Removal and recovery of heavy metals from aqueous solution using papaya wood as a new biosorbent
A Saeed, MW Akhter, M Iqbal
Separation and purification technology 45 (1), 25-31, 2005
Removal and recovery of lead (II) from single and multimetal (Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn) solutions by crop milling waste (black gram husk)
A Saeed, M Iqbal, MW Akhtar
Journal of hazardous materials 117 (1), 65-73, 2005
Application potential of grapefruit peel as dye sorbent: kinetics, equilibrium and mechanism of crystal violet adsorption
A Saeed, M Sharif, M Iqbal
Journal of hazardous materials 179 (1-3), 564-572, 2010
Biosorption of lead, copper and zinc ions on loofa sponge immobilized biomass of Phanerochaete chrysosporium
M Iqbal, RGJ Edyvean
Minerals Engineering 17 (2), 217-223, 2004
Removal and recovery of nickel (II) from aqueous solution by loofa sponge-immobilized biomass of Chlorella sorokiniana: characterization studies
N Akhtar, J Iqbal, M Iqbal
Journal of hazardous materials 108 (1-2), 85-94, 2004
Bioremoval of cadmium from aqueous solution by black gram husk (Cicer arientinum)
A Saeed, M Iqbal
Water Research 37 (14), 3472-3480, 2003
Biosorption characteristics of unicellular green alga Chlorella sorokiniana immobilized in loofa sponge for removal of Cr (III)
N Akhtar, M Iqbal, SI Zafar, J Iqbal
Journal of Environmental Sciences 20 (2), 231-239, 2008
Petiolar felt-sheath of palm: a new biosorbent for the removal of heavy metals from contaminated water
M Iqbal, A Saeed, N Akhtar
Bioresource Technology 81 (2), 151-153, 2002
Characterization of adsorptive capacity and investigation of mechanism of Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ adsorption on mango peel waste from constituted metal solution and genuine …
M Iqbal, A Saeed, I Kalim
Separation Science and Technology 44 (15), 3770-3791, 2009
Biosorption of reactive dye by loofa sponge-immobilized fungal biomass of Phanerochaete chrysosporium
M Iqbal, A Saeed
Process Biochemistry 42 (7), 1160-1164, 2007
Kinetics, equilibrium and mechanism of Cd2+ removal from aqueous solution by mungbean husk
A Saeed, M Iqbal, WH Höll
Journal of hazardous materials 168 (2-3), 1467-1475, 2009
Hybrid biosorbent: an innovative matrix to enhance the biosorption of Cd (II) from aqueous solution
M Iqbal, A Saeed, SI Zafar
Journal of hazardous materials 148 (1-2), 47-55, 2007
Loofa (luffa cylindrica) sponge: Review of development of the biomatrix as a tool for biotechnological applications
A Saeed, M Iqbal
Biotechnology progress 29 (3), 573-600, 2013
< i> Chlorella sorokiniana</i> immobilized on the biomatrix of vegetable sponge of< i> Luffa cylindrica</i>: a new system to remove cadmium from contaminated aqueous medium
N Akhtar, A Saeed, M Iqbal
Bioresource technology 88 (2), 163-165, 2003
Immobilization of Trichoderma viride for enhanced methylene blue biosorption: Batch and column studies
A Saeed, M Iqbal, SI Zafar
Journal of Hazardous Materials 168 (1), 406-415, 2009
Loofa sponge immobilized fungal biosorbent: A robust system for cadmium and other dissolved metal removal from aqueous solution
M Iqbal, RGJ Edyvean
Chemosphere 61 (4), 510-518, 2005
The role of pectin in Cd binding by orange peel biosorbents: a comparison of peels, depectinated peels and pectic acid
S Schiewer, M Iqbal
Journal of Hazardous Materials 177 (1-3), 899-907, 2010
Enhancement of Lead(II) Biosorption by Microalgal Biomass Immobilized onto Loofa (Luffa cylindrica) Sponge
N Akhtar, J Iqbal, M Iqbal
Engineering in life sciences 4 (2), 171-178, 2004
Production of an immobilized hybrid biosorbent for the sorption of Ni (II) from aqueous solution
M Iqbal, A Saeed
Process Biochemistry 42 (2), 148-157, 2007
論文 1–20