Kaoru Sato
Kaoru Sato
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology
確認したメール アドレス: tmig.or.jp
PIWI-interacting small RNAs: the vanguard of genome defence
MC Siomi, K Sato, D Pezic, AA Aravin
Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 12 (4), 246-258, 2011
Krimper enforces an antisense bias on piRNA pools by binding AGO3 in the Drosophila germline
K Sato, YW Iwasaki, A Shibuya, P Carninci, Y Tsuchizawa, H Ishizu, ...
Molecular cell 59 (4), 553-563, 2015
The piRNA pathway in Drosophila ovarian germ and somatic cells
K Sato, MC Siomi
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B 96 (1), 32-42, 2020
Maelstrom coordinates microtubule organization during Drosophila oogenesis through interaction with components of the MTOC
K Sato, KM Nishida, A Shibuya, MC Siomi, H Siomi
Genes & development 25 (22), 2361-2373, 2011
Piwi-interacting RNAs: biological functions and biogenesis
K Sato, MC Siomi
Essays in biochemistry 54, 39-52, 2013
Positional Cloning of a Bombyx Wingless Locus flügellos (fl) Reveals a Crucial Role for fringe That Is Specific for Wing Morphogenesis
K Sato, TM Matsunaga, R Futahashi, T Kojima, K Mita, Y Banno, ...
Genetics 179 (2), 875-885, 2008
Crystal structure and activity of the endoribonuclease domain of the piRNA pathway factor maelstrom
N Matsumoto, K Sato, H Nishimasu, Y Namba, K Miyakubi, N Dohmae, ...
Cell reports 11 (3), 366-375, 2015
Essential roles of Windei and nuclear monoubiquitination of Eggless/SETDB 1 in transposon silencing
K Osumi, K Sato, K Murano, H Siomi, MC Siomi
EMBO reports 20 (12), e48296, 2019
Loss of l (3) mbt leads to acquisition of the ping-pong cycle in Drosophila ovarian somatic cells
T Sumiyoshi, K Sato, H Yamamoto, YW Iwasaki, H Siomi, MC Siomi
Genes & development 30 (14), 1617-1622, 2016
The Mi-2 nucleosome remodeler and the Rpd3 histone deacetylase are involved in piRNA-guided heterochromatin formation
B Mugat, S Nicot, C Varela-Chavez, C Jourdan, K Sato, E Basyuk, F Juge, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2818, 2020
Gender-Specific Hierarchy in Nuage Localization of PIWI-Interacting RNA Factors in Drosophila
A Nagao, K Sato, KM Nishida, H Siomi, MC Siomi
Frontiers in genetics 2, 55, 2011
Piwi suppresses transcription of Brahma-dependent transposons via Maelstrom in ovarian somatic cells
R Onishi, K Sato, K Murano, L Negishi, H Siomi, MC Siomi
Science Advances 6 (50), eaaz7420, 2020
Functional and structural insights into the piRNA factor Maelstrom
K Sato, MC Siomi
FEBS letters 589 (14), 1688-1693, 2015
Role of piRNA biogenesis and its neuronal function in the development of neurodegenerative diseases
K Sato, K Takayama, S Inoue
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 15, 1157818, 2023
Two distinct transcriptional controls triggered by nuclear Piwi-piRISCs in the Drosophila piRNA pathway
K Sato, MC Siomi
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 53, 69-76, 2018
Is canalization more than just a beautiful idea?
K Sato, H Siomi
Genome biology 11, 1-4, 2010
Expression and function of estrogen receptors and estrogen-related receptors in the brain and their association with Alzheimer’s disease
K Sato, K Takayama, S Inoue
Frontiers in Endocrinology 14, 1220150, 2023
Transcriptional and Post-Transcriptional Regulations of Amyloid-β Precursor Protein (APP) mRNA
K Sato, K Takayama, M Hashimoto, S Inoue
Frontiers in Aging 2, 721579, 2021
Tudor-domain containing proteins act to make the piRNA pathways more robust in Drosophila
K Sato, YW Iwasaki, H Siomi, MC Siomi
Fly 9 (2), 86-90, 2015
Stress granules sequester Alzheimer’s disease-associated gene transcripts and regulate disease-related neuronal proteostasis
K Sato, K Takayama, S Inoue
Aging (Albany NY) 15 (10), 3984, 2023
論文 1–20