Oculomotor areas of the primate frontal lobes: a transneuronal transfer of rabies virus and [14C]-2-deoxyglucose functional imaging study AK Moschovakis, GG Gregoriou, G Ugolini, M Doldan, W Graf, W Guldin, ... Journal of Neuroscience 24 (25), 5726-5740, 2004 | 99 | 2004 |
Eye position encoding in three-dimensional space: integration of version and vergence signals in the medial posterior parietal cortex R Breveglieri, K Hadjidimitrakis, A Bosco, SP Sabatini, C Galletti, P Fattori Journal of Neuroscience 32 (1), 159-169, 2012 | 88 | 2012 |
Common neural substrate for processing depth and direction signals for reaching in the monkey medial posterior parietal cortex K Hadjidimitrakis, F Bertozzi, R Breveglieri, A Bosco, C Galletti, P Fattori Cerebral Cortex 24 (6), 1645-1657, 2014 | 69 | 2014 |
Mixed body/hand reference frame for reaching in 3D space in macaque parietal area PEc V Piserchia, R Breveglieri, K Hadjidimitrakis, F Bertozzi, C Galletti, ... Cerebral cortex 27 (3), 1976-1990, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
Fix your eyes in the space you could reach: neurons in the macaque medial parietal cortex prefer gaze positions in peripersonal space K Hadjidimitrakis, R Breveglieri, G Placenti, A Bosco, SP Sabatini, ... PLoS One 6 (8), e23335, 2011 | 56 | 2011 |
Overlapping representations for reach depth and direction in caudal superior parietal lobule of macaques K Hadjidimitrakis, G Dal Bo', R Breveglieri, C Galletti, P Fattori Journal of neurophysiology 114 (4), 2340-2352, 2015 | 52 | 2015 |
Mixed spatial and movement representations in the primate posterior parietal cortex K Hadjidimitrakis, S Bakola, YT Wong, MA Hagan Frontiers in Neural Circuits 13, 15, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
Density gradients of trans‐synaptically labeled collicular neurons after injections of rabies virus in the lateral rectus muscle of the rhesus monkey A Grantyn, AM Brandi, D Dubayle, W Graf, G Ugolini, K Hadjidimitrakis, ... Journal of Comparative Neurology 451 (4), 346-361, 2002 | 48 | 2002 |
Body-centered, mixed, but not hand-centered coding of visual targets in the medial posterior parietal cortex during reaches in 3D space K Hadjidimitrakis, F Bertozzi, R Breveglieri, P Fattori, C Galletti Cerebral Cortex 24 (12), 3209-3220, 2014 | 47 | 2014 |
Reference frames for reaching when decoupling eye and target position in depth and direction A Bosco, R Breveglieri, K Hadjidimitrakis, C Galletti, P Fattori Scientific reports 6 (1), 21646, 2016 | 40 | 2016 |
Multiple aspects of neural activity during reaching preparation in the medial posterior parietal area V6A R Breveglieri, C Galletti, G Dal Bò, K Hadjidimitrakis, P Fattori Journal of cognitive neuroscience 26 (4), 878-895, 2014 | 36 | 2014 |
Three-dimensional eye position signals shape both peripersonal space and arm movement activity in the medial posterior parietal cortex K Hadjidimitrakis, R Breveglieri, A Bosco, P Fattori Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 6, 37, 2012 | 36 | 2012 |
Prediction of reach goals in depth and direction from the parietal cortex M Filippini, R Breveglieri, K Hadjidimitrakis, A Bosco, P Fattori Cell reports 23 (3), 725-732, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |
Temporal stability of reference frames in monkey area V6A during a reaching task in 3D space K Hadjidimitrakis, F Bertozzi, R Breveglieri, C Galletti, P Fattori Brain Structure and Function 222, 1959-1970, 2017 | 29 | 2017 |
The neglected medial part of macaque area PE: segregated processing of reach depth and direction M De Vitis, R Breveglieri, K Hadjidimitrakis, W Vanduffel, C Galletti, ... Brain Structure and Function 224 (7), 2537-2557, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
Motor-like neural dynamics in two parietal areas during arm reaching S Diomedi, FE Vaccari, C Galletti, K Hadjidimitrakis, P Fattori Progress in Neurobiology 205, 102116, 2021 | 23 | 2021 |
Neural coding of action in three dimensions: task‐and time‐invariant reference frames for visuospatial and motor‐related activity in parietal area V6A K Hadjidimitrakis, M Ghodrati, R Breveglieri, MGP Rosa, P Fattori Journal of Comparative Neurology 528 (17), 3108-3122, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
Eye position modulates the electromyographic responses of neck muscles to electrical stimulation of the superior colliculus in the alert cat K Hadjidimitrakis, AK Moschovakis, Y Dalezios, A Grantyn Experimental brain research 179 (1), 1-16, 2007 | 12 | 2007 |
Decoding of standard and non-standard visuomotor associations from parietal cortex M Filippini, AP Morris, R Breveglieri, K Hadjidimitrakis, P Fattori Journal of neural engineering 17 (4), 046027, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Anterior-posterior gradient in the integrated processing of forelimb movement direction and distance in macaque parietal cortex K Hadjidimitrakis, M De Vitis, M Ghodrati, M Filippini, P Fattori Cell reports 41 (6), 2022 | 9 | 2022 |