Hannelore Götz
Hannelore Götz
Consultant infectious Disease Control Public Health Service Rotterdam Rijnmond NL
確認したメール アドレス: rotterdam.nl
Evidence of a large, international network of HCV transmission in HIV-positive men who have sex with men
T van de Laar, O Pybus, S Bruisten, D Brown, M Nelson, S Bhagani, ...
Gastroenterology 136 (5), 1609-1617, 2009
Resurgence of Lymphogranuloma Venereum in Western Europe: An Outbreak of Chlamydia trachomatis Serovar L2 Proctitis in The Netherlands among Men Who …
RF Nieuwenhuis, JM Ossewaarde, HM Götz, J Dees, HB Thio, ...
Clinical infectious diseases 39 (7), 996-1003, 2004
A cluster of acute hepatitis C virus infection among men who have sex with men–results from contact tracing and public health implications
HM Götz, G van Doornum, HGM Niesters, JG den Hollander, HB Thio, ...
Aids 19 (9), 969-974, 2005
Prevalence of urogenital Chlamydia trachomatis increases significantly with level of urbanisation and suggests targeted screening approaches: results from the first national …
J Van Bergen, HM Götz, JH Richardus, C Hoebe, J Broer, AJT Coenen
Sexually transmitted infections 81 (1), 17-23, 2005
Low levels of monkeypox virus-neutralizing antibodies after MVA-BN vaccination in healthy individuals
LM Zaeck, MM Lamers, BE Verstrepen, TM Bestebroer, ME Van Royen, ...
Nature medicine 29 (1), 270-278, 2023
Relation between Chlamydia trachomatis infection and pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and tubal factor infertility in a Dutch cohort of women previously tested …
BM Hoenderboom, BHB Van Benthem, JEAM Van Bergen, ...
Sexually transmitted infections 95 (4), 300-306, 2019
A prediction rule for selective screening of Chlamydia trachomatis infection
HM Götz, J Van Bergen, IK Veldhuijzen, J Broer, C Hoebe, JH Richardus
Sexually transmitted infections 81 (1), 24-30, 2005
Effectiveness of yearly, register based screening for chlamydia in the Netherlands: controlled trial with randomised stepped wedge implementation
IVF van den Broek, JEAM van Bergen, EEHG Brouwers, JSA Fennema, ...
Bmj 345, 2012
Clinical spectrum and transmission characteristics of infection with Norwalk-like virus: findings from a large community outbreak in Sweden
H Götz, K Ekdahl, J Lindbäck, B De Jong, KO Hedlund, J Giesecke
Clinical Infectious Diseases 33 (5), 622-628, 2001
Lymphogranuloma venereum among men who have sex with men—Netherlands, 2003–2004
MJW Van de Laar, HM Götz, O de Zwart, W van der Meijden, ...
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 53 (42), 985-8, 2004
Is the increase in notifications of Chlamydia trachomatis infections in Sweden the result of changes in prevalence, sampling frequency or diagnostic methods?
H Götz, J Lindbäck, T Ripa, K Ramstedt, K Ekdahl, M Arneborn
Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases 34 (1), 28-34, 2002
Screening for genital chlamydia infection
N Low, S Redmond, A Uusküla, J van Bergen, H Ward, B Andersen, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016
Paired measurements of quantitative hepatitis B virus DNA in saliva and serum of chronic hepatitis B patients: implications for saliva as infectious agent
AA van der Eijk, HGM Niesters, HM Götz, HLA Janssen, SW Schalm, ...
Journal of Clinical Virology 29 (2), 92-94, 2004
HIV and sexual risk behavior among commercial sex workers in the Netherlands
MG van Veen, HM Götz, PA van Leeuwen, M Prins, MJW van de Laar
Archives of sexual behavior 39, 714-723, 2010
Preliminary report of an outbreak of lymphogranuloma venereum in homosexual men in the Netherlands, with implications for other countries in western Europe
H Götz, R Nieuwenhuis, T Ossewaarde, B Thio, W van der Meijden, ...
Weekly releases (1997–2007) 8 (4), 2367, 2004
Genital chlamydia prevalence in Europe and non-European high income countries: systematic review and meta-analysis
SM Redmond, K Alexander-Kisslig, SC Woodhall, IVF Van Den Broek, ...
PLoS One 10 (1), e0115753, 2015
Incidence of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection in men who have sex with men related to knowledge, perceived susceptibility, and perceived severity of sexually …
EM van der Snoek, JBF de Wit, HM Götz, PGH Mulder, MHA Neumann, ...
Sexually transmitted diseases 33 (3), 193-198, 2006
Treatment Effectiveness of Azithromycin and Doxycycline in Uncomplicated Rectal and Vaginal Chlamydia trachomatis Infections in Women: A Multicenter …
NHTM Dukers-Muijrers, PFG Wolffs, H De Vries, HM Götz, T Heijman, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 69 (11), 1946-1954, 2019
An outbreak of hepatitis A among homeless drug users in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
GMS Tjon, H Götz, AG Koek, O De Zwart, P Mertens, RA Coutinho, ...
Journal of medical virology 77 (3), 360-366, 2005
Sexually transmitted infections among female sex workers tested at STI clinics in the Netherlands, 2006–2013
MMA Verscheijden, PJ Woestenberg, HM Götz, MG van Veen, ...
Emerging themes in epidemiology 12, 1-11, 2015
論文 1–20