Stefan Seipel
Stefan Seipel
確認したメール アドレス: hig.se - ホームページ
The virtual articulator in dentistry: concept and development
B Kordaß, C Gärtner, A Söhnel, A Bisler, G Voß, U Bockholt, S Seipel
Dental Clinics 46 (3), 493-506, 2002
Evaluating 2D and 3D visualizations of spatiotemporal information
A Kjellin, LW Pettersson, S Seipel, M Lind
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 7 (3), 1-23, 2008
Precision study on augmented reality-based visual guidance for facility management tasks
F Liu, S Seipel
Automation in Construction 90, 79-90, 2018
Traffic signal optimization through discrete and continuous reinforcement learning with robustness analysis in downtown Tehran
M Aslani, S Seipel, MS Mesgari, M Wiering
Advanced Engineering Informatics 38, 639-655, 2018
Color map design for visualization in flood risk assessment
S Seipel, NJ Lim
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (11), 2286-2309, 2017
Real-time rendering of accumulated snow
P Ohlsson, S Seipel
Sigrad Conference, 25-32, 2004
Efficient and decision boundary aware instance selection for support vector machines
M Aslani, S Seipel
Information Sciences 577, 579-598, 2021
Developing adaptive traffic signal control by actor–critic and direct exploration methods
M Aslani, MS Mesgari, S Seipel, M Wiering
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport 172 (5), 289-298, 2019
Evaluating 2D and 3D geovisualisations for basic spatial assessment
S Seipel
Behaviour & Information Technology 32 (8), 845-858, 2013
Development of a virtual laboratory system for science education and the study of collaborative action
N Jensen, S Seipel, G von Voigt, S Raasch, S Olbrich, W Nejdl
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 2148-2153, 2004
Using augmented reality technology for balance training in the older adults: a feasibility pilot study
S Blomqvist, S Seipel, M Engström
BMC geriatrics 21, 1-13, 2021
Simple 3d glyphs for spatial multivariate data
C Forsell, S Seipel, M Lind
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, 2005. INFOVIS 2005., 119-124, 2005
Automatic identification of utilizable rooftop areas in digital surface models for photovoltaics potential assessment
M Aslani, S Seipel
Applied Energy 306, 118033, 2022
Different levels of 3D: An evaluation of visualized discrete spatiotemporal data in space-time cubes
A Kjellin, LW Pettersson, S Seipel, M Lind
Information Visualization 9 (2), 152-164, 2010
Oral implant treatment planning in a virtual reality environment
S Seipel, IV Wagner, S Koch, W Schneide
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 57 (1-2), 95-103, 1998
A fast instance selection method for support vector machines in building extraction
M Aslani, S Seipel
Applied Soft Computing 97, 106716, 2020
COVASE: Collaborative visualization for constructivist learning
N Jensen, S Seipel, W Nejdl, S Olbrich
Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environments: Proceedings of the …, 2003
Solving combined geospatial tasks using 2D and 3D bar charts
S Seipel, L Carvalho
2012 16th International Conference on Information Visualisation, 157-163, 2012
Visualisation and evaluation of flood uncertainties based on ensemble modelling
NJ Lim, SA Brandt, S Seipel
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30 (2), 240-262, 2016
Infrared-visible image registration for augmented reality-based thermographic building diagnostics
F Liu, S Seipel
Visualization in Engineering 3, 1-15, 2015
論文 1–20