Joram D. Mul
Joram D. Mul
Assistant professor, University of Amsterdam
確認したメール アドレス: uva.nl
Characterization of the serotonin transporter knockout rat: a selective change in the functioning of the serotonergic system
JR Homberg, JDA Olivier, BMG Smits, JD Mul, J Mudde, M Verheul, ...
Neuroscience 146 (4), 1662-1676, 2007
A protein domain-based interactome network for C. elegans early embryogenesis
M Boxem, Z Maliga, N Klitgord, N Li, I Lemmens, M Mana, ...
Cell 134 (3), 534-545, 2008
Exercise and regulation of carbohydrate metabolism
JD Mul, KI Stanford, MF Hirshman, LJ Goodyear
Progress in molecular biology and translational science 135, 17-37, 2015
TGF-β2 is an exercise-induced adipokine that regulates glucose and fatty acid metabolism
H Takahashi, CRR Alves, KI Stanford, RJW Middelbeek, P Nigro, ...
Nature metabolism 1 (2), 291-303, 2019
Melanocortin receptor 4 deficiency affects body weight regulation, grooming behavior, and substrate preference in the rat
JD Mul, R Van Boxtel, DJM Bergen, MAD Brans, JH Brakkee, PW Toonen, ...
Obesity 20 (3), 612-621, 2012
Gastric bypass surgery attenuates ethanol consumption in ethanol-preferring rats
JF Davis, JD Schurdak, IJ Magrisso, JD Mul, BE Grayson, PT Pfluger, ...
Biological psychiatry 72 (5), 354-360, 2012
Glucose-sensing in the reward system
LL Koekkoek, JD Mul, SE La Fleur
Frontiers in neuroscience 11, 716, 2017
Reversal of diet-induced obesity increases insulin transport into cerebrospinal fluid and restores sensitivity to the anorexic action of central insulin in male rats
DP Begg, JD Mul, M Liu, BM Reedy, DA D'Alessio, RJ Seeley, SC Woods
Endocrinology 154 (3), 1047-1054, 2013
The continued need for animals to advance brain research
JR Homberg, RAH Adan, N Alenina, A Asiminas, M Bader, T Beckers, ...
Neuron 109 (15), 2374-2379, 2021
Voluntary wheel running promotes resilience to chronic social defeat stress in mice: a role for nucleus accumbens ΔFosB
JD Mul, M Soto, ME Cahill, RE Ryan, H Takahashi, K So, J Zheng, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 43 (9), 1934-1942, 2018
Effect of vertical sleeve gastrectomy in melanocortin receptor 4-deficient rats
JD Mul, DP Begg, SIM Alsters, G Haaften, KJ Duran, DA D'Alessio, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 303 (1), E103-E110, 2012
How the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the necessity of animal research
L Genzel, R Adan, A Berns, JJJP van den Beucken, A Blokland, ...
Current Biology 30 (18), R1014-R1018, 2020
Chronic loss of melanin-concentrating hormone affects motivational aspects of feeding in the rat
JD Mul, SE La Fleur, PW Toonen, A Afrasiab-Middelman, R Binnekade, ...
PloS one 6 (5), e19600, 2011
Maternal high-calorie diet is associated with altered hepatic microRNA expression and impaired metabolic health in offspring at weaning age
J Zheng, Q Zhang, JD Mul, M Yu, J Xu, C Qi, T Wang, X Xiao
Endocrine 54, 70-80, 2016
Cell autonomous lipin 1 function is essential for development and maintenance of white and brown adipose tissue
K Nadra, JJ Médard, JD Mul, GS Han, S Grès, M Pende, D Metzger, ...
Molecular and cellular biology 32 (23), 4794-4810, 2012
Validity Assessment of 5 Day Repeated Forced-Swim Stress to Model Human Depression in Young-Adult C57BL/6J and BALB/cJ Mice
JD Mul, J Zheng, LJ Goodyear
eneuro 3 (6), ENEURO. 0201-16.2016, 2016
Effect of guanylate cyclase-C activity on energy and glucose homeostasis
DP Begg, KA Steinbrecher, JD Mul, AP Chambers, R Kohli, A Haller, ...
Diabetes 63 (11), 3798-3804, 2014
Complete knockout of the nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptor in the rat does not induce compensatory changes in μ, δ and κ opioid receptors
JR Homberg, JD Mul, E de Wit, E Cuppen
Neuroscience 163 (1), 308-315, 2009
Pmch expression during early development is critical for normal energy homeostasis
JD Mul, CX Yi, SAA van den Berg, M Ruiter, PW Toonen, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 298 (3), E477-E488, 2009
Loss of melanocortin-4 receptor function attenuates HPA responses to psychological stress
KK Ryan, JD Mul, C Clemmensen, AE Egan, DP Begg, K Halcomb, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 42, 98-105, 2014
論文 1–20