Bo Zou
Total delay impact study: a comprehensive assessment of the costs and impacts of flight delay in the United States
M Ball, C Barnhart, M Dresner, M Hansen, K Neels, AR Odoni, E Peterson, ...
University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Transportation Studies, 2010
Design and modeling of a crowdsource-enabled system for urban parcel relay and delivery
N Kafle, B Zou, J Lin
Transportation research part B: methodological 99, 62-82, 2017
Modeling flight delay propagation: A new analytical-econometric approach
N Kafle, B Zou
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 93, 520-542, 2016
Deep reinforcement learning in transportation research: A review
NP Farazi, B Zou, T Ahamed, L Barua
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 11, 100425, 2021
A mechanism design based approach to solving parking slot assignment in the information era
B Zou, N Kafle, O Wolfson, JJ Lin
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 81, 631-653, 2015
Machine learning for international freight transportation management: A comprehensive review
L Barua, B Zou, Y Zhou
Research in Transportation Business & Management 34, 100453, 2020
Evaluating air carrier fuel efficiency in the US airline industry
B Zou, M Elke, M Hansen, N Kafle
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 59, 306-330, 2014
Impact of operational performance on air carrier cost structure: evidence from US airlines
B Zou, M Hansen
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 48 (5 …, 2012
Do more US airports need slot controls? A welfare based approach to determine slot levels
P Swaroop, B Zou, MO Ball, M Hansen
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46 (9), 1239-1259, 2012
Flight delay impact on airfare and flight frequency: A comprehensive assessment
B Zou, M Hansen
Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 69, 54-74, 2014
Flight trajectory design in the presence of contrails: Application of a multiphase mixed-integer optimal control approach
M Soler, B Zou, M Hansen
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 48, 172-194, 2014
Roads in transition: Integrated modeling of a manufacturer-traveler-infrastructure system in a mixed autonomous/human driving environment
M Noruzoliaee, B Zou, Y Liu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 90, 307-333, 2018
Flight delays, capacity investment and social welfare under air transport supply-demand equilibrium
B Zou, M Hansen
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 46 (6), 965-980, 2012
Modeling travel mode choice of young people with differentiated E-hailing ride services in Nanjing China
H Shen, B Zou, J Lin, P Liu
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 78, 102216, 2020
刘强, 陆化普, 张永波, 邹博
中国安全科学学报 16 (6), 123, 2006
Traffic management and resource allocation for UAV-based parcel delivery in low-altitude urban space
A Li, M Hansen, B Zou
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 143, 103808, 2022
A gradient boosting approach to understanding airport runway and taxiway pavement deterioration
L Barua, B Zou, M Noruzoliaee, S Derrible
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 22 (13), 1673-1687, 2021
Passenger facility charge vs. airport improvement program funds: A dynamic network DEA analysis for US airport financing
YT Chang, HK Park, B Zou, N Kafle
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 88, 76-93, 2016
Deep reinforcement learning for crowdsourced urban delivery
T Ahamed, B Zou, NP Farazi, T Tulabandhula
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 152, 227-257, 2021
Airport partial and full privatization in a multi-airport region: Focus on pricing and capacity
M Noruzoliaee, B Zou, A Zhang
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 77, 45-60, 2015
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