Van Hien Nguyen
Van Hien Nguyen
確認したメール アドレス: fundp.ac.be
Generalized Hessian matrix and second-order optimality conditions for problems withC1,1 data
JB Hiriart-Urruty, JJ Strodiot, VH Nguyen
Applied mathematics and optimization 11 (1), 43-56, 1984
Extragradient algorithms extended to equilibrium problems
D Quoc Tran, M Le Dung, VH Nguyen
Optimization 57 (6), 749-776, 2008
Topics in nonsmooth mechanics
JJ Moreau, PD Panagiotopoulos, G Strang
(No Title), 1988
Convergence analysis and applications of the Glowinski–Le Tallec splitting method for finding a zero of the sum of two maximal monotone operators
S Haubruge, VH Nguyen, JJ Strodiot
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 97, 645-673, 1998
ε-optimal solutions in nondifferentiable convex programming and some related questions
JJ Strodiot, VH Nguyen, N Heukemes
Mathematical Programming 25, 307-328, 1983
Extragradient methods and linesearch algorithms for solving Ky Fan inequalities and fixed point problems
PT Vuong, JJ Strodiot, VH Nguyen
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 155 (2), 605-627, 2012
On extragradient-viscosity methods for solving equilibrium and fixed point problems in a Hilbert space
PT Vuong, JJ Strodiot, VH Nguyen
Optimization 64 (2), 429-451, 2015
A bundle method for solving equilibrium problems
TTV Nguyen, JJ Strodiot, VH Nguyen
Mathematical programming 116, 529-552, 2009
A new class of hybrid extragradient algorithms for solving quasi-equilibrium problems
JJ Strodiot, TTV Nguyen, VH Nguyen
Journal of Global Optimization 56 (2), 373-397, 2013
The interior proximal extragradient method for solving equilibrium problems
TT Van Nguyen, JJ Strodiot, VH Nguyen
Journal of Global Optimization 44, 175-192, 2009
ε-Optimality and ε-Lagrangian Duality for a Nonconvex Programming Problem with an Infinite Number of Constraints
TQ Son, JJ Strodiot, VH Nguyen
Journal of optimization theory and applications 141, 389-409, 2009
Using the Banach contraction principle to implement the proximal point method for multivalued monotone variational inequalities
PN Anh, LD Muu, VH Nguyen, JJ Strodiot
Journal of optimization theory and applications 124, 285-306, 2005
The impact of financial leverage on the profitability of real estate companies: A study from Vietnam stock exchange
VC Nguyen, TNL Nguyen, TTP Tran, TT Nghiem
Management Science Letters 9 (13), 2315-2326, 2019
Hybrid methods for solving simultaneously an equilibrium problem and countably many fixed point problems in a Hilbert space
TTV Nguyen, JJ Strodiot, VH Nguyen
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 160 (3), 809-831, 2014
On Nash–Cournot oligopolistic market equilibrium models with concave cost functions
LD Muu, VH Nguyen, NV Quy
Journal of Global Optimization 41, 351-364, 2008
Specificity and inhibitory mechanism of andrographolide and its analogues as antiasthma agents on NF-κB p50
VS Nguyen, XY Loh, H Wijaya, J Wang, Q Lin, Y Lam, WSF Wong, ...
Journal of natural products 78 (2), 208-217, 2015
On conditions to have bounded multipliers in locally Lipschitz programming
VH Nguyen, JJ Strodiot, R Mifflin
Mathematical Programming 18 (1), 100-106, 1980
A bundle method for solving variational inequalities
G Salmon, JJ Strodiot, VH Nguyen
SIAM Journal on Optimization 14 (3), 869-893, 2004
A generalized method of moving asymptotes (GMMA) including equality constraints
WH Zhang, C Fleury, P Duysinx, VH Nguyen, I Laschet
Structural optimization 12 (2), 143-146, 1996
Computing a global optimal solution to a design centering problem
VH Nguyen, JJ Strodiot
Mathematical Programming 53, 111-123, 1992
論文 1–20