Cameron Stewart
Cameron Stewart
確認したメール アドレス: sydney.edu.au - ホームページ
Clinical practice guidelines for communicating prognosis and end-of-life issues with adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness, and their caregivers
JM Clayton, KM Hancock, PN Butow, MHN Tattersall, DC Currow
The Medical Journal of Australia 186 (12), S77, 2007
Ethics and law for the health professions
I Kerridge, M Lowe, C Stewart
Implementing a One Health approach to emerging infectious disease: reflections on the socio-political, ethical and legal dimensions
C Degeling, J Johnson, I Kerridge, A Wilson, M Ward, C Stewart, G Gilbert
BMC Public Health 15, 1-11, 2015
An ethics framework for big data in health and research
V Xafis, GO Schaefer, MK Labude, I Brassington, A Ballantyne, HY Lim, ...
Asian Bioethics Review 11 (3), 227-254, 2019
An international comparison of the effect of policy shifts to organ donation following cardiocirculatory death (DCD) on donation rates after brain death (DBD) and …
A Bendorf, PJ Kelly, IH Kerridge, GW McCaughan, B Myerson, C Stewart, ...
PloS one 8 (5), e62010, 2013
Big data and public-private partnerships in healthcare and research: the application of an ethics framework for big data in health and research
A Ballantyne, C Stewart
Asian Bioethics Review 11 (3), 315-326, 2019
Untested, unproven, and unethical: the promotion and provision of autologous stem cell therapies in Australia
AK McLean, C Stewart, I Kerridge
Stem cell research & therapy 6, 1-8, 2015
ANZSN renal supportive care guidelines 2013
MA Brown, SM Crail, R Masterson, C Foote, J Robins, I Katz, E Josland, ...
Nephrology 18 (6), 401-454, 2013
Time to improve informed consent for dialysis: an international perspective
F Brennan, C Stewart, H Burgess, SN Davison, AH Moss, FEM Murtagh, ...
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 12 (6), 1001-1009, 2017
The deadly business of an unregulated global stem cell industry
T Lysaght, W Lipworth, T Hendl, I Kerridge, TL Lee, M Munsie, C Waldby, ...
Journal of medical ethics 43 (11), 744-746, 2017
Renal supportive and palliative care: position statement.
SU Crail, R Walker, M Brown
Nephrology 18 (6), 2013
Capacity and consent: Knowledge and practice of legal and healthcare standards
S Lamont, C Stewart, M Chiarella
Nursing ethics 26 (1), 71-83, 2019
The Rule of Law and the Tinkerbell Effect: Theoretical Considerations, Criticisms and Justifications for the Rule of Law’(2004)
C Stewart
Macquarie Law Journal 4, 135, 0
A test for mental capacity to request assisted suicide
C Stewart, C Peisah, B Draper
Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (1), 34-39, 2011
Knowledge, beliefs, and decisions of pregnant Australian women concerning donation and storage of umbilical cord blood: a population‐based survey
CFC Jordens, IH Kerridge, CL Stewart, TA O'Brien, G Samuel, M Porter, ...
Birth 41 (4), 360-366, 2014
Precision medicine: drowning in a regulatory soup?
D Nicol, T Bubela, D Chalmers, J Charbonneau, C Critchley, J Dickinson, ...
Journal of Law and the Biosciences 3 (2), 281-303, 2016
Public trust and global biobank networks
L Dive, C Critchley, M Otlowski, P Mason, M Wiersma, E Light, C Stewart, ...
BMC medical ethics 21, 1-9, 2020
“A real bucket of worms”: Views of people living with dementia and family members on supported decision-making
C Sinclair, K Gersbach, M Hogan, M Blake, R Bucks, K Auret, J Clayton, ...
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (4), 587-608, 2019
Open for business: a comparative study of websites selling autologous stem cells in Australia and Japan
M Munsie, T Lysaght, T Hendl, HYL Tan, I Kerridge, C Stewart
Regenerative medicine 12 (7), 777-790, 2017
Determining the validity of advance directives
P Biegler, C Stewart, J Savulescu, L Skene
The Medical Journal of Australia 172 (11), 545-548, 2000
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