Marie-Pierre Crosnier-Lopez
Marie-Pierre Crosnier-Lopez
chercheur CNRS, université du maine
確認したメール アドレス: univ-lemans.fr - ホームページ
Structural and microstructural studies of the series La2/3− xLi3x□ 1/3− 2xTiO3
JL Fourquet, H Duroy, MP Crosnier-Lopez
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 127 (2), 283-294, 1996
Instability of the Lithium Garnet Li7La3Sn2O12: Li+/H+ Exchange and Structural Study
C Galven, JL Fourquet, MP Crosnier-Lopez, F Le Berre
Chemistry of Materials 23 (7), 1892-1900, 2011
Instability of Lithium Garnets against Moisture. Structural Characterization and Dynamics of Li7-xHxLa3Sn2O12 and Li5-xHxLa3Nb2O12
C Galven, J Dittmer, E Suard, F Le Berre, MP Crosnier-Lopez
Chemistry of Materials 24 (17), 3335-3345, 2012
Synthesis and characterization of yttrium iron garnet nanoparticles
P Vaqueiro, MP Crosnier-Lopez, MA Lopez-Quintela
Journal of solid state chemistry 126 (2), 161-168, 1996
Synthesis of Fine Powders of Li3 x La2/3-x TiO3 Perovskite by a Polymerizable Precursor Method
M Vijayakumar, Y Inaguma, W Mashiko, MP Crosnier-Lopez, C Bohnke
Chemistry of Materials 16 (14), 2719-2724, 2004
Synthesis of nanostructured LiTi2 (PO4) 3 powder by a Pechini-type polymerizable complex method
CR Mariappan, C Galven, MP Crosnier-Lopez, F Le Berre, O Bohnke
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2), 450-456, 2006
Fluoride solid electrolytes: investigation of the tysonite-type solid solutions La 1− x Ba x F 3− x (x< 0.15)
J Chable, B Dieudonné, M Body, C Legein, MP Crosnier-Lopez, C Galven, ...
Dalton Transactions 44 (45), 19625-19635, 2015
Structure and Mössbauer Studies of F−O Ordering in Antiferromagnetic Perovskite PbFeO2F
Y Inaguma, JM Greneche, MP Crosnier-Lopez, T Katsumata, Y Calage, ...
Chemistry of materials 17 (6), 1386-1390, 2005
Synthesis and structure of novel layered perovskite oxides: Li2La1.78Nb0.66Ti2.34O10, and a new family, Li2[A0.5nBnO3n + 1]
NSP Bhuvanesh, MP Crosnier-Lopez, H Duroy, JL Fourquet
Journal of Materials Chemistry 9 (12), 3093-3100, 1999
Synthesis, characterization and dehydration study of H2A0. 5nBnO3n+ 1· xH2O (n= 2 and 3, A= Ca, Sr and B= Nb, Ta) compounds obtained by ion-exchange from the layered Li2A0 …
NSP Bhuvanesh, MP Crosnier-Lopez, H Duroy, JL Fourquet
Journal of Materials Chemistry 10 (7), 1685-1692, 2000
Topotactic H+/Li+ ion exchange on La2/3− xLi3xTiO3: New metastable perovskite phases La2/3− xTiO3− 3x (OH) 3x and La2/3− xTiO3− 3x/2 obtained by further dehydration
NSP Bhuvanesh, O Bohnké, H Duroy, MP Crosnier-Lopez, J Emery, ...
Materials research bulletin 33 (11), 1681-1691, 1998
The layered perovskite K2SrTa2O7: hydration and K+/H+ ion exchangeElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: a structural view of the hypothetical A0. 5BO3 phases, a …
MP Crosnier-Lopez, F Le Berre, JL Fourquet
Journal of Materials Chemistry 11 (4), 1146-1151, 2001
Fluoride solid electrolytes: From microcrystalline to nanostructured tysonite-type La0. 95Ba0. 05F2. 95
J Chable, AG Martin, A Bourdin, M Body, C Legein, A Jouanneaux, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 692, 980-988, 2017
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Ionic Conductivity of Novel Ruddlesden−Popper Related Phases, Li4Sr3Nb5.77Fe0.23O19.77 and Li4Sr3Nb6O20
NSP Bhuvanesh, MP Crosnier-Lopez, O Bohnke, J Emery, JL Fourquet
Chemistry of materials 11 (3), 634-641, 1999
Mechanism of a reversible CO 2 capture monitored by the layered perovskite Li 2 SrTa 2 O 7
C Galven, JL Fourquet, E Suard, MP Crosnier-Lopez, F Le Berre
Dalton Transactions 39 (17), 4191-4197, 2010
Phase transition in the Ruddlesden–Popper layered perovskite Li2SrTa2O7
T Pagnier, N Rosman, C Galven, E Suard, JL Fourquet, F Le Berre, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 182 (2), 317-326, 2009
Synthesis and structural study of a new NASICON-type solid solution: Li1− xLax/3Zr2 (PO4) 3
M Barré, MP Crosnier-Lopez, F Le Berre, E Suard, JL Fourquet
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 (3), 1011-1019, 2007
Room temperature crystal structure of La1/3Zr2 (PO4) 3, a NASICON-type compound
M Barre, MP Crosnier-Lopez, F Le Berre, J Emery, E Suard, JL Fourquet
Chemistry of materials 17 (26), 6605-6610, 2005
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Fast Ionic Conductor Li0.30La0.56TiO3
QN Pham, C Bohnké, MP Crosnier-Lopez, O Bohnké
Chemistry of materials 18 (18), 4385-4392, 2006
Lithium Ion Conductivity in New Perovskite Oxides [Ag y Li1-y] 3 x La2/3-x 1/3-2 x TiO3 (x= 0.09 and 0≤ y≤ 1)
O Bohnke, C Bohnke, J Ould Sid'Ahmed, MP Crosnier-Lopez, H Duroy, ...
Chemistry of materials 13 (5), 1593-1599, 2001
論文 1–20