Ad Koets
Ad Koets
Senior scientist at Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR)
確認したメール アドレス: wur.nl - ホームページ
Carvacrol Induces Heat Shock Protein 60 and Inhibits Synthesis of Flagellin in Escherichia coli O157:H7
SA Burt, R van der Zee, AP Koets, AM de Graaff, F van Knapen, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 73 (14), 4484-4490, 2007
Paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) in cattle and other susceptible species
RW Sweeney, MT Collins, AP Koets, SM McGuirk, AJ Roussel
Journal of veterinary internal medicine 26 (6), 1239-1250, 2012
Genetic variation of susceptibility to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in dairy cattle
AP Koets, G Adugna, LLG Janss, HJ Van Weering, CHJ Kalis, ...
Journal of dairy science 83 (11), 2702-2708, 2000
Experimental challenge models for Johne's disease: a review and proposed international guidelines
ME Hines II, JR Stabel, RW Sweeney, F Griffin, AM Talaat, D Bakker, ...
Veterinary microbiology 122 (3-4), 197-222, 2007
Progressive Bovine Paratuberculosis Is Associated with Local Loss of CD4+ T Cells, Increased Frequency of γδ T Cells, and Related Changes in T-Cell Function
A Koets, V Rutten, A Hoek, F van Mil, K Müller, D Bakker, E Gruys, ...
Infection and immunity 70 (7), 3856-3864, 2002
The within host dynamics of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis infection in cattle: where time and place matter
AP Koets, S Eda, S Sreevatsan
Veterinary research 46, 1-17, 2015
Differential changes in heat shock protein-, lipoarabinomannan-, and purified protein derivative-specific immunoglobulin G1 and G2 isotype responses during bovine Mycobacterium …
AP Koets, VPMG Rutten, M de Boer, D Bakker, P Valentin-Weigand, ...
Infection and immunity 69 (3), 1492-1498, 2001
Mycobacterial 70 kD heat-shock protein is an effective subunit vaccine against bovine paratuberculosis
A Koets, A Hoek, M Langelaar, M Overdijk, W Santema, P Franken, ...
Vaccine 24 (14), 2550-2559, 2006
Subpopulations of bovine WC1+ γδ T cells rather than CD4+ CD25highFoxp3+ T cells act as immune regulatory cells ex vivo
A Hoek, VPMG Rutten, J Kool, GJA Arkesteijn, RJ Bouwstra, I Van Rhijn, ...
Veterinary research 40 (1), 06, 2008
Knowledge gaps that hamper prevention and control of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection
HW Barkema, K Orsel, SS Nielsen, AP Koets, VPMG Rutten, ...
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 65, 125-148, 2018
Low predictive value of seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in cattle for detection of parasite DNA
M Opsteegh, P Teunis, L Züchner, A Koets, M Langelaar, ...
International journal for parasitology 41 (3-4), 343-354, 2011
Susceptibility to paratuberculosis infection in cattle is associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms in Toll-like receptor 2 which modulate immune responses against …
A Koets, W Santema, H Mertens, D Oostenrijk, M Keestra, M Overdijk, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 93 (4), 305-315, 2010
Immunopotentiating heat shock proteins: negotiators between innate danger and control of autoimmunity
W van Eden, A Koets, P van Kooten, B Prakken, R van der Zee
Vaccine 21 (9-10), 897-901, 2003
The bovine CD1 family contains group 1 CD1 proteins, but no functional CD1d
I Van Rhijn, AP Koets, JS Im, D Piebes, F Reddington, GS Besra, ...
The Journal of Immunology 176 (8), 4888-4893, 2006
Detection of spatial and temporal spread of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in the environment of a cattle farm through bio-aerosols
SWF Eisenberg, M Nielen, W Santema, DJ Houwers, D Heederik, ...
Veterinary Microbiology 143 (2-4), 284-292, 2010
Postweaning growth check in pigs is markedly reduced by intermittent suckling and extended lactation
M Berkeveld, P Langendijk, HMG van Beers-Schreurs, AP Koets, ...
Journal of animal science 85 (1), 258-266, 2007
Differences in intermittent and continuous fecal shedding patterns between natural and experimental Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infections …
RM Mitchell, Y Schukken, A Koets, M Weber, D Bakker, J Stabel, ...
Veterinary research 46, 1-10, 2015
Bovine Staphylococcus aureus secretes the leukocidin LukMF′ to kill migrating neutrophils through CCR1
M Vrieling, KJ Koymans, DAC Heesterbeek, PC Aerts, V Rutten, ...
MBio 6 (3), 10.1128/mbio. 00335-15, 2015
LukMF′ is the major secreted leukocidin of bovine Staphylococcus aureus and is produced in vivo during bovine mastitis
M Vrieling, EM Boerhout, GF Van Wigcheren, KJ Koymans, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 37759, 2016
Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the bovine solute carrier family 11 member 1 (SLC11A1) gene and their association with infection by Mycobacterium avium …
O Ruiz-Larrañaga, JM Garrido, C Manzano, M Iriondo, E Molina, A Gil, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 93 (4), 1713-1721, 2010
論文 1–20