Annalu Waller
Annalu Waller
確認したメール アドレス: dundee.ac.uk - ホームページ
A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text‐messaging system to support young people with diabetes
VL Franklin, A Waller, C Pagliari, SA Greene
Diabetic medicine 23 (12), 1332-1338, 2006
Patients’ engagement with “Sweet Talk”–a text messaging support system for young people with diabetes
V Franklin, A Greene, A Waller, S Greene, C Pagliari
Journal of medical Internet research 10 (2), e962, 2008
Developing technology for autism: an interdisciplinary approach
K Porayska-Pomsta, C Frauenberger, H Pain, G Rajendran, T Smith, ...
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 16, 117-127, 2012
" Sweet Talk": text messaging support for intensive insulin therapy for young people with diabetes
V Franklin, A Waller, C Pagliari, S Greene
Diabetes technology & therapeutics 5 (6), 991-996, 2003
Assessing the loneliness of older people with cerebral palsy
S Balandin, N Berg, A Waller
Disability and Rehabilitation 28 (8), 469-479, 2006
Computational humor
K Binsted, A Nijholt, O Stock, C Strapparava, G Ritchie, R Manurung, ...
IEEE intelligent systems 21 (2), 59-69, 2006
Evaluating the use of TalksBac, a predictive communication device for nonfluent adults with aphasia
A Waller, F Dennis, J Brodie, AY Cairns
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 33 (1), 45-70, 1998
Including accessibility within and beyond undergraduate computing courses
A Waller, VL Hanson, D Sloan
Proceedings of the 11th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2009
Information technology for cognitive support
AF Newell, A Carmichael, P Gregor, N Alm, A Waller
The human-computer interaction handbook, 837-854, 2007
Participatory design of a text message scheduling system to support young people with diabetes
A Waller, V Franklin, C Pagliari, S Greene
Health Informatics Journal 12 (4), 304-318, 2006
Blending human and artificial intelligence to support autistic children’s social communication skills
K Porayska-Pomsta, AM Alcorn, K Avramides, S Beale, S Bernardini, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 25 (6), 1-35, 2018
Telling tales: unlocking the potential of AAC technologies
A Waller
International journal of language & communication disorders 54 (2), 159-169, 2019
The construction of a pun generator for language skills development
R Manurung, G Ritchie, H Pain, A Waller, D O'Mara, R Black
Applied Artificial Intelligence 22 (9), 841-869, 2008
Evaluating the standup pun generating software with children with cerebral palsy
A Waller, R Black, DA O’Mara, H Pain, G Ritchie, R Manurung
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) 1 (3), 1-27, 2009
Communication access to conversational narrative
A Waller
Topics in language disorders 26 (3), 221-239, 2006
A practical application of computational humour
G Ritchie, R Manurung, H Pain, A Waller, R Black, D O’Mara
Proceedings of the 4th international joint conference on computational …, 2007
Definitions of eHealth
SG Cunningham, DJ Wake, A Waller, AD Morris
eHealth, care and quality of life, 15-30, 2014
Using NLG to help language-impaired users tell stories and participate in social dialogues
E Reiter, R Turner, N Alm, R Black, M Dempster, A Waller
Proceedings of the 12th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation …, 2009
How do members of different language communities compose sentences with a picture-based communication system?—a cross–cultural study of picture–based sentences constructed by …
K Nakamura, A Newell, N Alm, A Waller
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 14 (2), 71-80, 1998
Supporting personal narrative for children with complex communication needs
R Black, A Waller, R Turner, E Reiter
ACM transactions on computer-human interaction (TOCHI) 19 (2), 1-35, 2012
論文 1–20