Benno Hoffmeister
Benno Hoffmeister
Professor Stahlbau, Holzbau, RWTH Aachen
確認したメール アドレス: rwth-aachen.de - ホームページ
On the prediction of the interaction effect caused by continuous ballast on filler beam railway bridges by experimentally supported numerical studies
T Rauert, H Bigelow, B Hoffmeister, M Feldmann
Engineering Structures 32 (12), 3981-3988, 2010
A risk-consistent approach to determine EN1998 behaviour factors for lateral load resisting systems
D Vamvatsikos, K Bakalis, M Kohrangi, S Pyrza, CA Castiglioni, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 131, 106008, 2020
Fragility of steel frame buildings under blast load
S Khan, SK Saha, VA Matsagar, B Hoffmeister
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 31 (4), 04017019, 2017
Efficiency of Eurocode 8 design rules for steel and steel-concrete composite structures
A Braconi, S Caprili, H Degee, M Guendel, M Hjiaj, B Hoffmeister, ...
Journal of constructional steel research 112, 108-129, 2015
Fatigue analysis of welds and bolts in end plate connections of I-girders
H Bartsch, B Hoffmeister, M Feldmann
International Journal of Fatigue 138, 105674, 2020
Influence of variability of material mechanical properties on seismic performance of steel and steel–concrete composite structures
M Badalassi, A Braconi, LG Cajot, S Caprili, H Degee, M Gündel, M Hjiaj, ...
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 15, 1559-1607, 2017
Optimising the seismic performance of steel and steel-concrete structures by standardising material quality control (OPUS)
A Braconi, M Finetto, H Degee, N Hausoul, B Hoffmeister, M Gündel, ...
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission, 2013
Innovative hybrid and composite steel-concrete structural solutions for building in seismic area
A Dall’Asta, G Leoni, A Zona, B Hoffmeister, H Bigelow, H Degée, ...
Final Report, EUR 26932, 2015
Zum Einfluss baulicher Randbedingungen auf das dynamische Verhalten von WIB‐Eisenbahnbrücken: Teil 2: Numerische Untersuchungen und Bemessungsvorschläge
T Rauert, H Bigelow, B Hoffmeister, M Feldmann, R Patz, P Lippert
Bautechnik 87 (12), 751-760, 2010
Lärmschutzwände an Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecken der Bahn–eine Herausforderung für den Leichtbau
B Hoffmeister
DA-CH Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Erdbebeningenieurwesen …, 2007
Experimental and numerical investigations on Steel Shear Walls for seismic retrofitting
M Guendel, B Hoffmeister, M Feldmann
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, 474-481, 2011
Characterization of moment resisting I-beam to circular hollow section column connections resorting to passing-through plates
R Das, A Kanyilmaz, M Couchaux, B Hoffmeister, H Degee
Engineering Structures 210, 110356, 2020
Seismic design of spherical liquid storage tanks
M Wieschollek, M Kopp, B Hoffmeister, M Feldmann
III ECCOMAS thematic conference on computational methods in structural …, 2011
Zur sicheren Anwendung feuerverzinkter Stahlträger
G Sedlacek, W Dahl, B Hoffmeister, B Kühn, M Feldmann, T Pinger, ...
Stahlbau 73 (6), 427-437, 2004
Investigations on the fatigue behavior of end plate connections with prestressed bolts
H Bartsch, B Hoffmeister, M Feldmann
Procedia Structural Integrity 19, 395-404, 2019
A critical review of current approaches on the determination of seismic force demands on nonstructural components
M Pinkawa, B Hoffmeister, M Feldmann
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on structural dynamics …, 2014
Ambient testing and model updating of a filler beam bridge for high-speed trains
R Cantieni, M Brehm, V Zabel, T Rauert, B Hoffmeister
Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN …, 2008
Floor Response Spectra Considering Influence of Higher Modes and Dissipative Behaviour
M Pinkawa, B Hoffmeister, M Feldmann
Seismic Design of Industrial Facilities: Proceedings of the International …, 2013
Ambient modal analysis and model updating of a twin composite filler beam railway bridge for high-speed trains with continuous ballast
R Cantieni, M Brehm, V Zabel, T Rauert, B Hoffmeister
Proceedings of IMAC-XXVI Conference on Structural Dynamics, February 4-7, 2008
Zur Einspannwirkung von Eisenbahngleisen: Die Auswirkung auf die erste Biegeeigenfrequenz bei Einfeldträgerbrücken
H Bigelow, M Feldmann, B Hoffmeister, V Zabel
Bautechnik 93 (7), 462-469, 2016
論文 1–20