Shirley V Wang
Shirley V Wang
Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacoeconomics
確認したメール アドレス: bwh.harvard.edu
Good practices for real‐world data studies of treatment and/or comparative effectiveness: Recommendations from the joint ISPOR‐ISPE Special Task Force on real‐world evidence in …
ML Berger, H Sox, RJ Willke, DL Brixner, HG Eichler, W Goettsch, ...
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 26 (9), 1033-1039, 2017
Reporting to improve reproducibility and facilitate validity assessment for healthcare database studies V1. 0
SV Wang, S Schneeweiss, ML Berger, J Brown, F Vries, I Douglas, ...
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 26 (9), 1018-1032, 2017
Transparency and Reproducibility of Observational Cohort Studies Using Large Healthcare Databases.
SV Wang, P Verpillat, JA Rassen, A Patrick, EM Garry, DB Bartels
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 99 (3), 325-332, 2016
Future-cases as present controls to adjust for exposure-trend bias in case-only studies
S Wang, C Linkletter, M Maclure, D Dore, V Mor, S Buka, GA Wellenius
Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 22 (4), 568, 2011
Estimation using all available covariate information versus a fixed look‐back window for dichotomous covariates
SM Brunelli, JJ Gagne, KF Huybrechts, SV Wang, AR Patrick, KJ Rothman, ...
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 22 (5), 542-550, 2013
Relative Performance of Propensity Score Matching Strategies for Subgroup Analyses
SV Wang, Y Jin, B Fireman, S Gruber, M He, R Wyss, HJ Shin, Y Ma, ...
American journal of epidemiology, 2018
A Within‐Group Design of Nontreatment Seeking 5‐HTTLPR Genotyped Alcohol‐Dependent Subjects Receiving Ondansetron and Sertraline
GA Kenna, WH Zywiak, JE McGeary, L Leggio, C McGeary, S Wang, ...
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 33 (2), 315-323, 2009
Persistent user bias in case-crossover studies in pharmacoepidemiology
J Hallas, A Pottegård, S Wang, S Schneeweiss, JJ Gagne
American journal of epidemiology, 1-9, 2016
Prediction of rates of thromboembolic and major bleeding outcomes with dabigatran or warfarin among patients with atrial fibrillation: new initiator cohort study
SV Wang, JM Franklin, RJ Glynn, S Schneeweiss, W Eddings, JJ Gagne
bmj 353, i2607, 2016
Age, Antipsychotics, and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke in the Veterans Health Administration
S Wang, C Linkletter, D Dore, V Mor, S Buka, M Maclure
Stroke 43 (1), 28-31, 2012
Performance of disease risk score matching in nested case-control studies: a simulation study
RJ Desai, RJ Glynn, S Wang, JJ Gagne
American journal of epidemiology 183 (10), 949-957, 2016
Hypothesis-free screening of large administrative databases for unsuspected drug-outcome associations
J Hallas, SV Wang, JJ Gagne, S Schneeweiss, N Pratt, A Pottegård
European journal of epidemiology, 1-11, 2018
Switching generic antiepileptic drug manufacturer not linked to seizures A case-crossover study
AS Kesselheim, K Bykov, JJ Gagne, SV Wang, NK Choudhry
Neurology 87 (17), 1796-1801, 2016
Use of electronic healthcare records to identify complex patients with atrial fibrillation for targeted intervention
SV Wang, JR Rogers, Y Jin, DW Bates, MA Fischer
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 24 (2), 339-344, 2017
Estimating pediatric inpatient medication use in the United States
T Lasky, FR Ernst, J Greenspan, S Wang, L Gonzalez
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 20 (1), 76-82, 2011
Sentinel Modular Program for Propensity Score–Matched Cohort Analyses: Application to Glyburide, Glipizide, and Serious Hypoglycemia
M Zhou, SV Wang, CE Leonard, JJ Gagne, C Fuller, C Hampp, ...
Epidemiology 28 (6), 838-846, 2017
Successful Comparison of US Food and Drug Administration Sentinel Analysis Tools to Traditional Approaches in Quantifying a Known Drug‐Adverse Event Association
JJ Gagne, X Han, S Hennessy, CE Leonard, EA Chrischilles, ...
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 100 (5), 558-564, 2016
Case-crossover Studies of Therapeutics: Design Approaches to Addressing Time-varying Prognosis in Elderly Populations
SV Wang, JJ Gagne, RJ Glynn, S Schneeweiss
Epidemiology 24 (3), 375-378, 2013
Potential for bias in case-crossover studies with shared exposures analyzed using SAS
SV Wang, BA Coull, J Schwartz, MA Mittleman, GA Wellenius
American journal of epidemiology 174 (1), 118-124, 2011
A modular, prospective, semi‐automated drug safety monitoring system for use in a distributed data environment
JJ Gagne, SV Wang, JA Rassen, S Schneeweiss
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 23 (6), 619-627, 2014
論文 1–20