John (Jianqiu) Bai
John (Jianqiu) Bai
Associate Professor of Finance, Northeastern University
確認したメール アドレス: northeastern.edu - ホームページ
Employment protection, investment, and firm growth
J Bai, D Fairhurst, M Serfling
The Review of Financial Studies 33 (2), 644-688, 2020
The impact of bank credit on labor reallocation and aggregate industry productivity
JJ Bai, D Carvalho, GM Phillips
Journal of Finance, 2017
Digital Resilience: How Work-From-Home Feasibility Affects Firm Performance
JJ Bai, E Brynjolfsson, W Jin, S Steffen, C Wan
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021
What a Difference a (Birth) Month Makes: The Relative Age Effect and Fund Manager Performance
JJ Bai, L Ma, K Mullally, DH Solomon
Journal of Financial Economics, 2018
The impact of social capital on individual responses to COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from social distancing
JJ Bai, S Du, W Jin, C Wan
Shuili and Jin, Wang and Wan, Chi, The Impact of Social Capital on …, 2020
Management practices and mergers and acquisitions
J Bai, W Jin, M Serfling
Management Science 68 (3), 2141-2165, 2022
Fund manager skill in an era of globalization: Offshore concentration and fund performance
JJ Bai, Y Tang, C Wan, HZ Yüksel
Journal of financial economics 145 (2), 18-40, 2022
The future of work: Work from home preparedness and firm resilience during the covid-19 pandemic
JJ Bai, E Brynjolfsson, W Jin, S Steffen, C Wan
Erik and Jin, Wang and Steffen, Sebastian and Wan, Chi, The Future of Work …, 2020
Social capital and individual ethics: Evidence from financial adviser misconduct
J Bai, C Shang, C Wan, YE Zhao
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-24, 2021
Organizational form and trade liberalization: Plant-Level evidence
J Bai
Management Science 67 (12), Pages 7291-7950, iii-iv, 2021
Capital market frictions and human capital investment: Evidence from workplace safety around regulation SHO
J Bai, E Lee, C Zhang
Financial Review 55 (2), 339-360, 2020
Executives vs. chatbots: Unmasking insights through human-AI differences in earnings conference Q&A
JJ Bai, NM Boyson, Y Cao, M Liu, C Wan
Northeastern U. D’Amore-McKim School of Business Research Paper, 2023
Proximity and knowledge spillovers: Evidence from the introduction of new airline routes
J Bai, W Jin, S Zhou
Management Science 70 (11), 7464-7485, 2024
Managing climate change risks: Sea level rise and mergers and acquisitions
JJ Bai, Y Chu, C Shen, C Wan
The chief information officer: Impact on organizational forecasting outcomes
XK Liu, DS Preston
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 22 (4), 7, 2021
The effect of labor mobility on corporate investment and performance over the business cycle
JJ Bai, A Eldemire, M Serfling
Journal of Banking & Finance 166, 107258, 2024
What do outside CEOs really do? Evidence from plant-level data
JJ Bai, A Mkrtchyan
Journal of Financial Economics 147 (1), 27-48, 2023
Financial disclosure transparency and employee wages
J Bai, M Serfling, S Shaikh
Financial Review 57 (4), 751-773, 2022
Platform-provided disclosure on investor base and entrepreneurial success: Evidence from crowdfunding
J Bai, T Chen, X Martin, C Wan
The Accounting Review 99 (5), 97-122, 2024
Migration fear and minority crowd-funding success: Evidence from kickstarter
JJ Bai, W Kerr, C Wan, A Yorulmaz
Northeastern U. D’Amore-McKim School of Business Research Paper, 2023
論文 1–20