Borja Sanchez
Borja Sanchez
Investigador Científico, Instituto de Productos Lácteos de Asturias, Consejo Superior de
確認したメール アドレス: csic.es - ホームページ
Probiotics, gut microbiota, and their influence on host health and disease
B Sánchez, S Delgado, A Blanco‐Míguez, A Lourenço, M Gueimonde, ...
Molecular nutrition & food research 61 (1), 1600240, 2017
Antibiotic resistance in probiotic bacteria
M Gueimonde, B Sánchez, C G. de los Reyes-Gavilán, A Margolles
Frontiers in microbiology 4, 202, 2013
Intestinal dysbiosis associated with systemic lupus erythematosus
A Hevia, C Milani, P López, A Cuervo, S Arboleya, S Duranti, F Turroni, ...
MBio 5 (5), e01548-14, 2014
Bile resistance mechanisms in Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
L Ruiz, A Margolles, B Sánchez
Frontiers in microbiology 4, 396, 2013
Intestinal microbiota development in preterm neonates and effect of perinatal antibiotics
S Arboleya, B Sánchez, C Milani, S Duranti, G Solís, N Fernández, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 166 (3), 538-544, 2015
Bifidobacteria and their health‐promoting effects
C Hidalgo-Cantabrana, S Delgado, L Ruiz, P Ruas-Madiedo, B Sánchez, ...
Bugs as Drugs: Therapeutic Microbes for the Prevention and Treatment of …, 2018
Genome analysis of Bifidobacterium bifidum PRL2010 reveals metabolic pathways for host-derived glycan foraging
F Turroni, F Bottacini, E Foroni, I Mulder, JH Kim, A Zomer, B Sánchez, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (45), 19514-19519, 2010
Assessing the fecal microbiota: an optimized ion torrent 16S rRNA gene-based analysis protocol
C Milani, A Hevia, E Foroni, S Duranti, F Turroni, GA Lugli, B Sanchez, ...
PloS one 8 (7), e68739, 2013
Genomic and proteomic evidence supporting the division of the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum into three species
P Prior, F Ailloud, BL Dalsing, B Remenant, B Sanchez, C Allen
BMC genomics 17, 1-11, 2016
Bifidobacteria and their molecular communication with the immune system
L Ruiz, S Delgado, P Ruas-Madiedo, B Sánchez, A Margolles
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 2345, 2017
Bifidobacteria exhibit social behavior through carbohydrate resource sharing in the gut
C Milani, GA Lugli, S Duranti, F Turroni, L Mancabelli, C Ferrario, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 15782, 2015
Th17 responses and natural IgM antibodies are related to gut microbiota composition in systemic lupus erythematosus patients
P López, B de Paz, J Rodríguez-Carrio, A Hevia, B Sánchez, A Margolles, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 24072, 2016
Genomic encyclopedia of type strains of the genus Bifidobacterium
C Milani, GA Lugli, S Duranti, F Turroni, F Bottacini, M Mangifesta, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 80 (20), 6290-6302, 2014
Role of sortase-dependent pili of Bifidobacterium bifidum PRL2010 in modulating bacterium–host interactions
F Turroni, F Serafini, E Foroni, S Duranti, M O’Connell Motherway, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (27), 11151-11156, 2013
Extracellular proteins secreted by probiotic bacteria as mediators of effects that promote mucosa–bacteria interactions
B Sanchez, MC Urdaci, A Margolles
Microbiology 156 (11), 3232-3242, 2010
Genomic overview and biological functions of exopolysaccharide biosynthesis in Bifidobacterium spp
C Hidalgo-Cantabrana, B Sánchez, C Milani, M Ventura, A Margolles, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80 (1), 9-18, 2014
Low-pH Adaptation and the Acid Tolerance Response of Bifidobacterium longum Biotype longum
B Sánchez, MC Champomier-Vergès, MC Collado, P Anglade, F Baraige, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73 (20), 6450-6459, 2007
Proteomic Analysis of Global Changes in Protein Expression during Bile Salt Exposure of Bifidobacterium longum NCIMB 8809
B Sánchez, MC Champomier-Verges, P Anglade, F Baraige, ...
Journal of bacteriology 187 (16), 5799-5808, 2005
Gut microbiota dysbiosis in a cohort of patients with psoriasis
C Hidalgo‐Cantabrana, J Gómez, S Delgado, S Requena‐López, ...
British journal of dermatology 181 (6), 1287-1295, 2019
Intestinal Bacteria interplay with bile and cholesterol metabolism: implications on host physiology
N Molinero, L Ruiz, B Sánchez, A Margolles, S Delgado
Frontiers in physiology 10, 185, 2019
論文 1–20