Vinod Yegneswaran
Vinod Yegneswaran
Principal Computer Scientist, SRI International
確認したメール アドレス: csl.sri.com
Bothunter: Detecting malware infection through ids-driven dialog correlation.
G Gu, PA Porras, V Yegneswaran, MW Fong, W Lee
USENIX Security Symposium 7, 1-16, 2007
Fresco: Modular composable security services for software-defined networks
SW Shin, P Porras, V Yegneswara, M Fong, G Gu, M Tyson
20th annual network & distributed system security symposium, 2013
Avant-guard: Scalable and vigilant switch flow management in software-defined networks
S Shin, V Yegneswaran, P Porras, G Gu
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC conference on Computer & communications …, 2013
A security enforcement kernel for OpenFlow networks
P Porras, S Shin, V Yegneswaran, M Fong, M Tyson, G Gu
Proceedings of the first workshop on Hot topics in software defined networks …, 2012
Characteristics of internet background radiation
R Pang, V Yegneswaran, P Barford, V Paxson, L Peterson
Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 27-40, 2004
An inside look at botnets
P Barford, V Yegneswaran
Malware detection, 171-191, 2007
Global intrusion detection in the domino overlay system
V Yegneswaran, P Barford, S Jha
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 2003
Internet intrusions: Global characteristics and prevalence
V Yegneswaran, P Barford, J Ullrich
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 31 (1), 138-147, 2003
A Foray into Conficker's Logic and Rendezvous Points.
PA Porras, H Saïdi, V Yegneswaran
LEET 9, 7, 2009
Rosemary: A robust, secure, and high-performance network operating system
S Shin, Y Song, T Lee, S Lee, J Chung, P Porras, V Yegneswaran, J Noh, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications …, 2014
A comparative assessment of malware classification using binary texture analysis and dynamic analysis
L Nataraj, V Yegneswaran, P Porras, J Zhang
Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Security and Artificial Intelligence …, 2011
Droidminer: Automated mining and characterization of fine-grained malicious behaviors in android applications
C Yang, Z Xu, G Gu, V Yegneswaran, P Porras
Computer Security-ESORICS 2014: 19th European Symposium on Research in …, 2014
Securing the software defined network control layer.
PA Porras, S Cheung, MW Fong, K Skinner, V Yegneswaran
Ndss, 2015
An architecture for generating semantics-aware signatures
V Yegneswaran, JT Giffin, P Barford, S Jha
Usenix Security Symposium, 2005
On the design and use of internet sinks for network abuse monitoring
V Yegneswaran, P Barford, D Plonka
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection: 7th International Symposium, RAID …, 2004
Stegotorus: a camouflage proxy for the tor anonymity system
Z Weinberg, J Wang, V Yegneswaran, L Briesemeister, S Cheung, ...
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2012
Blade: an attack-agnostic approach for preventing drive-by malware infections
L Lu, V Yegneswaran, P Porras, W Lee
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2010
Model checking invariant security properties in OpenFlow
S Son, S Shin, V Yegneswaran, P Porras, G Gu
2013 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 1974-1979, 2013
Eureka: A framework for enabling static analysis on malware
V Yegneswaran, H Saidi, P Porras, M Sharif, W Mark, V President
ESORICS’08 Proceedings of the 13th European Symposium on Research in …, 2008
A multi-perspective analysis of the storm (peacomm) worm
P Porras, H Saidi, V Yegneswaran
Technical report, Computer Science Laboratory, SRI International, 2007
論文 1–20