Won-Yong Oh
The effect of ownership structure on corporate social responsibility: Empirical evidence from Korea
WY Oh, YK Chang, A Martynov
Journal of Business Ethics 104 (2), 283-297, 2011
The many futures of contracts: Moving beyond structure and safeguarding to coordination and adaptation
DJ Schepker, WY Oh, A Martynov, L Poppo
Journal of Management, 2014
Social media for socially responsible firms: Analysis of Fortune 500’s Twitter profiles and their CSR/CSIR ratings
K Lee, WY Oh, N Kim
Journal of Business Ethics 118 (4), 791-806, 2013
Exploring the relationship between board characteristics and CSR: Empirical evidence from Korea
YK Chang, WY Oh, JH Park, MG Jang
Journal of Business Ethics 40 (2), 225–242, 2017
When CEO career horizon problems matter for corporate social responsibility: The moderating roles of industry-level discretion and blockholder ownership
WY Oh, YK Chang, Z Cheng
Journal of Business Ethics 133 (2), 279-291, 2016
CEO career horizon and tenure: Future performance implications under different contingencies
PL McClelland, VL Barker, WY Oh
Journal of Business Research 65, 1387-1393, 2012
Complementary or substitutive effects? Corporate governance mechanisms and corporate social responsibility
WY Oh, YK Chang, TY Kim
Journal of Management 44 (7), 2716 - 2739, 2018
Media Depictions of CEO Ethics and Stakeholder Support of CSR Initiatives: The Mediating Roles of CSR Motive Attributions and Cynicism
B Ogunfowora, M Stackhouse, WY Oh
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-16, 2016
Board characteristics and corporate social responsibility: does family involvement in management matter?
WY Oh, YK Chang, R Jung
Journal of Business Research 103, 23-33, 2019
Complementary or Substitutive Effects? Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Poison Pill Repeal
DJ Schepker, WY Oh
Journal of Management 39 (7), 1729-1759, 2013
Experience-based human capital or fixed paradigm problem? CEO tenure, contextual influences, and corporate social (ir) responsibility
WY Oh, YK Chang, R Jung
Journal of Business Research 90, 325-333, 2018
Does Ownership Structure Matter? The Effects of Insider and Institutional Ownership on Corporate Social Responsibility
WY Oh, J Cha, YK Chang
Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1), 111-124, 2017
Firm size and corporate social performance: The mediating role of outside director representation
YK Chang, WY Oh, JC Jung, JY Lee
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 19 (4), 486-500, 2012
How do investors value corporate social responsibility? Market valuation and the firm specific contexts
H Lu, WY Oh, A Kleffner, YK Chang
Journal of Business Research 125, 14-25, 2021
Not all ties are equal: CEO outside directorships and strategic imitation in R&D investment
WY Oh, VL Barker III
Journal of Management 44 (4), 1312–1337, 2018
Translating corporate social performance into financial performance: exploring the moderating role of high-performance work practices
YK Chang, WY Oh, JG Messersmith
International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (19), 3738-3756, 2013
Intragroup transactions, corporate governance, and corporate philanthropy in Korean business groups
WY Oh, YK Chang, G Lee, J Seo
Journal of Business Ethics 153 (4), 1031-1049, 2018
Interpreting Equivocal Signals: Market Reaction to Specific-Purpose Poison Pill Adoption
DJ Schepker, WY Oh, PC Patel
Journal of Management 44 (5), 1953-1979, 2018
Regional Integration, Multinational Enterprise Strategy and the Impact of Country‐level Risk: The Case of the EMU
J Hillemann, A Verbeke, WY Oh
British Journal of Management 30, 908-925, 2019
The impact of CEOs' regulatory focus on CSR: the strengthening effects of industry-level dynamism and firm-level volatility
YK Chang, S Lee, WY Oh
European Journal of International Management 15 (4), 511-538, 2021
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