Le Qiu
Le Qiu
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University
確認したメール アドレス: bidmc.harvard.edu
Cancer exosomes perform cell-independent microRNA biogenesis and promote tumorigenesis
SA Melo, H Sugimoto, JT O’Connell, N Kato, A Villanueva, A Vidal, L Qiu, ...
Cancer cell 26 (5), 707-721, 2014
Multispectral scanning during endoscopy guides biopsy of dysplasia in Barrett's esophagus
L Qiu, DK Pleskow, R Chuttani, E Vitkin, J Leyden, N Ozden, S Itani, ...
Nature medicine 16 (5), 603-606, 2010
Confocal light absorption and scattering spectroscopic microscopy monitors organelles in live cells with no exogenous labels
I Itzkan, L Qiu, H Fang, MM Zaman, E Vitkin, IC Ghiran, S Salahuddin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (44), 17255-17260, 2007
Confocal light absorption and scattering spectroscopic microscopy
H Fang, L Qiu, E Vitkin, MM Zaman, C Andersson, S Salahuddin, ...
Applied optics 46 (10), 1760-1769, 2007
Photon diffusion near the point-of-entry in anisotropically scattering turbid media
E Vitkin, V Turzhitsky, L Qiu, L Guo, I Itzkan, EB Hanlon, LT Perelman
Nature communications 2 (1), 587, 2011
Light scattering spectroscopy identifies the malignant potential of pancreatic cysts during endoscopy
L Zhang, DK Pleskow, V Turzhitsky, EU Yee, TM Berzin, M Sawhney, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 1 (4), 0040, 2017
Picoanalysis of drugs in biofluids with quantitative label‐free surface‐enhanced Raman spectroscopy
V Turzhitsky, L Zhang, GL Horowitz, E Vitkin, U Khan, Y Zakharov, L Qiu, ...
Small 14 (47), 1802392, 2018
Multi/hyper-spectral imaging
C Balas, C Pappas, G Epitropou
Handbook of Biomedical Optics, 131-164, 2011
Single gold nanorod detection using confocal light absorption and scattering spectroscopy
L Qiu, TA Larson, DK Smith, E Vitkin, S Zhang, MD Modell, I Itzkan, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 13 (6), 1730-1738, 2007
Multispectral light scattering endoscopic imaging of esophageal precancer
L Qiu, R Chuttani, DK Pleskow, V Turzhitsky, U Khan, YN Zakharov, ...
Light: Science & Applications 7 (4), 17174-17174, 2018
Spectroscopy of scattered light for the characterization of micro and nanoscale objects in biology and medicine
V Turzhitsky, L Qiu, I Itzkan, AA Novikov, MS Kotelev, M Getmanskiy, ...
Applied spectroscopy 68 (2), 133-154, 2014
Spectroscopic label-free microscopy of changes in live cell chromatin and biochemical composition in transplantable organoids
G Pettinato, MF Coughlan, X Zhang, L Chen, U Khan, M Glyavina, ...
Science Advances 7 (34), eabj2800, 2021
Observation of plasmon line broadening in single gold nanorods
L Qiu, TA Larson, D Smith, E Vitkin, MD Modell, BA Korgel, KV Sokolov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (15), 2008
Gold nanorod light scattering labels for biomedical imaging
L Qiu, TA Larson, E Vitkin, L Guo, EB Hanlon, I Itzkan, KV Sokolov, ...
Biomedical Optics Express 1 (1), 135-142, 2010
Spectral imaging with scattered light: from early cancer detection to cell biology
L Qiu, V Turzhitsky, R Chuttani, DK Pleskow, JD Goldsmith, L Guo, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 18 (3), 1073-1083, 2011
Typical product process route extraction method based on intelligent clustering analysis
H Zhang, L QIU, SY Zhang, XX Hu
Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 19 (03), 0, 2013
Multispectral endoscopy with light gating for early cancer detection
L Qiu, L Zhang, V Turzhitsky, U Khan, Y Zakharov, DK Pleskow, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25 (1), 1-9, 2018
In vivo detection of bile duct pre-cancer with endoscopic light scattering spectroscopy
DK Pleskow, MS Sawhney, PK Upputuri, TM Berzin, MF Coughlan, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 109, 2023
Light-scattering spectroscopy differentiates fetal from adult nucleated red blood cells: may lead to noninvasive prenatal diagnosis
KH Lim, S Salahuddin, L Qiu, H Fang, E Vitkin, IC Ghiran, MD Modell, ...
Optics letters 34 (9), 1483-1485, 2009
Two-photon polymerization nanofabrication of ultracompact light scattering spectroscopic probe for detection of pre-cancer in pancreatic cyst
CJ Sheil, U Khan, YN Zakharov, MF Coughlan, DK Pleskow, MS Sawhney, ...
Optics and lasers in engineering 142, 106616, 2021
論文 1–20