Lingzhong Fan
Lingzhong Fan
Brainnetome Center, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
確認したメール アドレス: なし - ホームページ
The Human Brainnetome Atlas: A New Brain Atlas Based on Connectional Architecture
L Fan, H Li, J Zhuo, Y Zhang, J Wang, L Chen, Z Yang, C Chu, S Xie, ...
Cerebral Cortex, 2016
Subregions of the human superior frontal gyrus and their connections
W Li, W Qin, H Liu, L Fan, J Wang, T Jiang, C Yu
Neuroimage 78, 46-58, 2013
Convergent functional architecture of the superior parietal lobule unraveled with multimodal neuroimaging approaches
J Wang, Y Yang, L Fan, J Xu, C Li, Y Liu, PT Fox, SB Eickhoff, C Yu, ...
Human brain mapping 36 (1), 238-257, 2015
A neuroimaging biomarker for striatal dysfunction in schizophrenia
A Li, A Zalesky, W Yue, O Howes, H Yan, Y Liu, L Fan, KJ Whitaker, K Xu, ...
Nature Medicine 26 (4), 558-565, 2020
Scalable and DiI-compatible optical clearance of the mammalian brain
B Hou, D Zhang, S Zhao, M Wei, Z Yang, S Wang, J Wang, X Zhang, B Liu, ...
Frontiers in neuroanatomy 9, 19, 2015
Prefrontal cortex and the dysconnectivity hypothesis of schizophrenia
Y Zhou, L Fan, C Qiu, T Jiang
Neuroscience bulletin 31, 207-219, 2015
The construction of a Chinese MRI brain atlas: a morphometric comparison study between Chinese and Caucasian cohorts
Y Tang, C Hojatkashani, ID Dinov, B Sun, L Fan, X Lin, H Qi, X Hua, S Liu, ...
Neuroimage 51 (1), 33-41, 2010
Tractography-based parcellation of the human middle temporal gyrus
J Xu, J Wang, L Fan, H Li, W Zhang, Q Hu, T Jiang
Scientific reports 5 (1), 18883, 2015
Discriminating schizophrenia using recurrent neural network applied on time courses of multi-site FMRI data
W Yan, V Calhoun, M Song, Y Cui, H Yan, S Liu, L Fan, N Zuo, Z Yang, ...
EBioMedicine 47, 543-552, 2019
Connectivity-based parcellation of the human temporal pole using diffusion tensor imaging
L Fan, J Wang, Y Zhang, W Han, C Yu, T Jiang
Cerebral cortex 24 (12), 3365-3378, 2014
Gender differences in connectome-based predictions of individualized intelligence quotient and sub-domain scores
R Jiang, VD Calhoun, L Fan, N Zuo, R Jung, S Qi, D Lin, J Li, C Zhuo, ...
Cerebral cortex 30 (3), 888-900, 2020
Connectivity-based parcellation of the human frontal pole with diffusion tensor imaging
H Liu, W Qin, W Li, L Fan, J Wang, T Jiang, C Yu
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (16), 6782-6790, 2013
Tractography‐based parcellation of the human left inferior parietal lobule
J Wang, L Fan, Y Zhang, Y Liu, D Jiang, Y Zhang, C Yu, T Jiang
Neuroimage 63 (2), 641-652, 2012
Functional organization of the fusiform gyrus revealed with connectivity profiles
W Zhang, J Wang, L Fan, J Xu, C Li, Y Liu, PT Fox, SB Eickhoff, C Yu, ...
Human brain mapping, 2016
The right dorsal premotor mosaic: organization, functions, and connectivity
S Genon, H Li, L Fan, VI Müller, EC Cieslik, F Hoffstaedter, AT Reid, ...
Cerebral Cortex, 2016
Sexual dimorphism and asymmetry in human cerebellum: an MRI-based morphometric study
L Fan, Y Tang, B Sun, G Gong, ZJ Chen, X Lin, T Yu, Z Li, AC Evans, S Liu
Brain research 1353, 60-73, 2010
Anatomical substrates of the alerting, orienting and executive control components of attention: focus on the posterior parietal lobe
X Yin, L Zhao, J Xu, AC Evans, L Fan, H Ge, Y Tang, B Khundrakpam, ...
PLoS One 7 (11), e50590, 2012
Inferior frontal white matter asymmetry correlates with executive control of attention
X Yin, Y Han, H Ge, W Xu, R Huang, D Zhang, J Xu, L Fan, Z Pang, S Liu
Human brain mapping 34 (4), 796-813, 2013
Connectome-based individualized prediction of temperament trait scores
R Jiang, VD Calhoun, N Zuo, D Lin, J Li, L Fan, S Qi, H Sun, Z Fu, M Song, ...
Neuroimage 183, 366-374, 2018
Connectivity-based parcellation of the human posteromedial cortex
Y Zhang, L Fan, Y Zhang, J Wang, M Zhu, Y Zhang, C Yu, T Jiang
Cerebral cortex 24 (3), 719-727, 2014
論文 1–20